Happiness is a choice!

Small Horse with a Big Try

Smokey had heart, She was a small horse with a big heart Her try was bigger than her why I asked, she did Then I asked for more She did More Did More It was all she had, she tried, but it was not enough She balked I spanked I said, I need more! I was ready for more!   The horse with the big heart and a bigger try was not enough Smokey was too much of a horse for me when I was 10 years old. She was my dad’s horse and she seemed to do it all. Then my dad said I was ready for her. She pushed me to become a better rider.  I won ribbon after ribbon in the show ring. I wanted more. I took her to a higher level, rodeo queen contests. She took me to the top. This little horse had a big heart and even more try. I wanted more from her. So, we challenged her to the rodeo arena in goat tying. We were winning! I put her against the tall race horses in barrel racing. She tried, she had heart, it was not enough. I asked for more, she

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Wise, Foolish, Righteous, Wicked

As I read the bible, the parables of the ten virgins stimulates thought and retrospective. Wise and foolish does not mean righteous and wicked as I once believed. Wise Foolish What does that propose? I am a good soul Integrity is my stance, I am a man of principle and dignity. I am not a fool one says. The one of dignity says,” Give us some of yours for ours is gone out.” But the wise answered,” Not so: least there be not enough for us and you: but rather take care of yourself. “ The foolish is one of procrastination Often in a crisis The one in crisis misses the prize. Foolish and wickedness are not one But the foolish and the wicked often miss out on the nourishment. Matthew 25:1-13 I called my good friend in a panic. As she listened she gave me some amazing advice. “Beware that the adrenalin from being in a crisis can be addictive.” I had never realized this before. Going from crisis to crisis can be addictive and I was proof of it! How had his happened to me? My life had turned into chaos. The anger, desire for revenge, and rage

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Why TEDxRexburg?

I looked at my coach and said, “I never have to do that again.” Back story, I met  Maija-Liisa N. Adams three years ago. It was fate. Earlier that morning as I woke up I had a strong impression that I needed to improve my own speaking skills. I had participated in public speaking as a child and teen but had put it aside as an adult. I had involved my children in public speaking for 4-H and dabbled here and there with judging rodeo queen contests. When I met Maija-Liisa and realize that she was a TEDx coach I was overwhelmed and may have cussed a little. I knew that it would be a miracle for me to accomplish a TEDx talk. In my mind, I would jump in, get this over with, and move on with my life. I had a story to tell. I started lessons from Maija-Liisa and tried out, failed, tried out, failed, for 3 years! To top it off, I tried out in Idaho Falls where I grew up and Rexburg where I live presently! There is a process. You send in an application and then you get to go to an interview to

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TEDxRexburg: My Message to the World

I woke up one morning and said,  “I believe that God is telling me that I need to work on my speaking skills.” It has been quite the journey, 3 years later, here we go! Just had dress rehearsal. January 12, 2019 When I woke up that morning I knew it was time to sharpen my speaking skills. I wasn’t sure why, I had an idea that it was so that I could share my experience and ideas about how I got through and continue to get through life. So here I am. On the stage at the Romance Theater in Rexburg, Idaho running through “MY” TEDx talk.  I am doing this because I do my best to be obedient to my God. Here is the interview that was played today. Here is the video of my TEDx Rexburg talk, from the TED YouTube Channel. https://youtu.be/7nV54vKhavg

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The Shame of Cancer & How Being Impetuous Saved My Life

Really? Stage 4+ lymphoma, one week to live? I am the healthy one, I actually prided myself in my poverty.  Yes, I was prideful that I was poor,  and I grew my own herbs and bought in bulk, capsuled them, and made my own vitamins. I had my children at home to save money and live naturally. We raised our beef and chickens, fresh eggs and organic beef and potatoes out of the field. Big garden and a variety of vegetables. I would process a whole deer right off the foothills into bottles.  We lived off the land, I was a hippy kind of farm girl. Pillar of health.  I swore that I would NEVER allow chemo in my body. If I could have a 10 lb baby at home and live off the land, I could beat cancer with natural remedies! Oh, the shame of “How can I face the world and admit that I have cancer? ” Just pure embarrassment. I started using oils and herbs that would fight cancer. I am confident that this prolonged my life by a few weeks. But it was no match for this fast-growing cancer. My first thoughts were that I would just die

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Recent Posts:

The Happiest People

A wise person told me the happiest people are in order from the most happy to the least happy: 1)Happily married 2)Happily single 3)Unhappy single

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