Happiness is a choice!

Wise, Foolish, Righteous, Wicked

As I read the bible, the parables of the ten virgins stimulates thought and retrospective. Wise and foolish does not mean righteous and wicked as I once believed.



What does that propose?

I am a good soul

Integrity is my stance,

I am a man of principle and dignity.

I am not a fool one says.

The one of dignity says,” Give us some of yours for ours is gone out.”

But the wise answered,” Not so: least there be not enough for us and you: but rather take care of yourself. “

The foolish is one of procrastination

Often in a crisis

The one in crisis misses the prize.

Foolish and wickedness are not one

But the foolish and the wicked often miss out on the nourishment.

Matthew 25:1-13

I called my good friend in a panic. As she listened she gave me some amazing advice. “Beware that the adrenalin from being in a crisis can be addictive.” I had never realized this before. Going from crisis to crisis can be addictive and I was proof of it! How had his happened to me? My life had turned into chaos. The anger, desire for revenge, and rage were clouding my vision.

I have found that often life gets very exciting when we live each day putting out fires. It can be starting projects and never finishing them, to a life-threatening situation that never ends. I have been in both situations. I have found that if I slow down, focus on 3 things at a time, my plate eventually gets more manageable and I can accomplish much more. One bite at a time.

We are all foolish and wise, righteous and wicked, at times. To goal is to be more wise than foolish, more righteous than wicked.
