Happiness is a choice!

You can teach an old ”Grandma” new tricks

My parents were good. I knew I couldn’t read as well as the other children. But I did learn to read, just slower. I always felt that I was special and had something inside of me that no one else had. Though it was hard for me in school to keep up. I managed with the help of my friends. I have always been the mothering kind. I pretty much love everyone. When I see a sign that says, “It is too “peopley” out there”  I am yey! It is “peopley” out there.

Honestly, I always wanted to go to college, but I didn’t because of fear, money, time and lack of support. I continued to learn. I earned a certificate with,” on the job training” as a preschool teacher. This taught me to read.

I have continued to learn and read books on business building, leadership, budgeting, money management, parenting, health and wellness and a variety of subjects to give me a better understanding of the world.

I homeschooled my children and while doing that I continued to learn the skills I missed in public school.

I have started several businesses and have become a leader. I train and teach, write and mentor. I felt good about my life. I raised my 5 children and then helped raise 9 more. Everyone was over the age of 14 and I then I found out that I had cancer, stage 4 + non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. I was okay with not living.  I had a good life, my children would be okay. I was missing my mom and my son Tex and was anxious to be with them.

God has a different plan for me. It has been 2 years and I feel healthier than I have in a very long time. I am not back to hardcore exercising but I can do many things.

I like to challenge myself, so I started college. I am the oldest one in my class, by about 10 years. I am only taking 5 credits. I almost quit because it is real school and it is hard.

But when I humbled myself and prayed really hard, read my instructions over a couple of time, learned how to take notes, ask for help from younger people, I have found some success. It reminds me of when I was 18 years old and I felt really smart. Ready to face the world. Then by the time I was 21 I realized how little I know.

I realize that I am dyslexic. I never realized until recently in class that I get my 2’s and 7’s mixed up on a regular basis. I need to check myself. I need to admit when I see it wrong and apologize. This has happened in our gathering class at the college on Thursdays and also when doing our budgeting for our family. I probably argued about the numbers many times. I was sure that I spent $20 when it was really $70!

I now know that I am a new freshman starting college. The only way I can accomplish this new adventure is through the grace of God. Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Yes, I am a grandma who is learning new tricks

This is a blog post for this week. I have visited with my gathering class and they are very supportive of me. I have admitted that I was wrong to my husband. It was in the favor of the budget so that was good! I apologized to a classmate for telling her she was wrong when I was the lead teacher. I had read it wrong and was sure it was 22 year and it was 27 year.

One thought on “You can teach an old ”Grandma” new tricks”

  1. “This girl is on fire”. I love you, Carol, and have missed seeing your page. So I took some time today to look in on your page. You are so dear to me and I always look up to you wanting to be like you. You are truly beautiful and a gift from God

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