Happiness is a choice!

TEDxRexburg: My Message to the World

I woke up one morning and said,  “I believe that God is telling me that I need to work on my speaking skills.” It has been quite the journey, 3 years later, here we go! Just had dress rehearsal. January 12, 2019

When I woke up that morning I knew it was time to sharpen my speaking skills. I wasn’t sure why, I had an idea that it was so that I could share my experience and ideas about how I got through and continue to get through life. So here I am. On the stage at the Romance Theater in Rexburg, Idaho running through “MY” TEDx talk.

 I am doing this because I do my best to be obedient to my God. Here is the interview that was played today.

Here is the video of my TEDx Rexburg talk, from the TED YouTube Channel.