Happiness is a choice!

Life is hard and when we get through hard we can have a good life

We can be grateful for the “hards,” in our life. We all have them. They are the hard life situations that we think we cannot get through and then we do and we are better because of what we went through. The adversary wants us to think that when we have trials in our lives we did something to deserve it. That we did something wrong and God is punishing us. This is simply not true. This is life and life experiences. As we go through life people die that we love, we have failures and disappointments. People let us down and hurt us. We fight within our own heads that we are not enough. We are not good enough for the blessings and a good life.  I have found that when we do get through these art life experiences, we can be grateful and learn from them. We are better because of them. I married the love of my life after I gave birth to 5 children and had been married for almost 25 years to my first husband. I had a lot of insecurities After I married Jim, a longtime friend of the family, I was devastated that

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Measuring the Cost of Being an Entrepreneur

It takes grit to be an entrepreneur. What I mean about grid that you have the grit to believe that you will be able to support yourself. Faith in yourself and in what you are doing. To have confidence in money that it will come to you and you can make a living. Tell you the truth one of my greatest fears is when I hired people to help me with my eBay business. I have tried to have a one man show many times.  I knew I wasn’t making it myself. I didn’t know if I would make a profit if I paid someone else to help me. Taking that responsibility and hiring someone once a week was a big deal. It has made a difference in my business. It has helped me let go of the things I am not proficient in. I am more organized and am able to do what I do best, shop and post! My only source of income isn’t eBay. I have found that having multiple streams of income give stability. Even when they are all working for oneself. My husband and have worked for over 10 years setting up accounts with an

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