Happiness is a choice!

Retail Therapy

Retail Therapy

Dear Retail Therapy,

You are real. When Tex, my 18-year-old son, passed away 4 days after being diagnosed with influenza, you were there for me. I wandered the stores for after Christmas clearance items for a full month. You kept me busy, you gave me purpose, you gave me joy. Others didn’t understand my hours of wandering and shopping. You gave me purpose.

There is a problem though. You only bring a short moment of joy. Then when I look at my bank account you give me anxiety.  Our relationship causes me not to be able to buy food, pay my house or car payment and ultimately, I have restless nights. That leads to the next problem. I don’t need to leave my house to visit you. I just need my phone or computer and I can retail therapy at any time of the day or night. During sleepless nights you are there to give me relief. We have a love-hate relationship. There needs to be a solution.

Retail Therapy, you plain and simply bring happiness in my life. How can I have a healthy relationship with you? eBay is the answer. I can shop and then sell, over and over again.

With this new understanding, I go to thrift stores and have no guilt. I fill my car full of treasures and give to those in need. My family and friends are a benefactor to my findings.  I always have a gift for a special occasion. I am so happy that we have a healthy long relationship and we don’t need to break up.

Together forever,
