Happiness is a choice!

Retail Therapy is real

You don’t need to be wealthy. You don’t even need to leave your house. There is a sense of excitement when you push the button, ”buy it now” The adrenal continues as you confirm your order. Then the anticipation of the arrival.

The trouble with Retail Therapy

When it comes to uncontrollable and overspending. I dare say that almost everyone can relate. Waite, I know you, the one who says, I can live on $10,000 a year, money doesn’t make you happy, I give my husband an allowance and he doesn’t dare overspend, even on a soda. We need to buy diapers! I have been there and don’t be offended but there it is, ”Pride in Poverty? “

I have seen people with $60,000 in their checking account and they don’t dare spend a dime. I have seen people with $260,000 in debt and have nothing to show for it but a 15-year-old car, rent and live paycheck to paycheck. Then have the biggest birthday parties for their children in the neighborhood. We can go on and on. Yes, retail therapy is real. I admit it, I need, “retail therapy” (about 4 days a week does it for me) So how do we benefit from, “Retail Therapy” and not break the bank?

1- Sell excess.

    • Simply, sell what you are not using and then you can have money to buy more.
    • There are many platforms to sell items. Be creative
    • eBay
    • Craigslist
    • FaceBook Marketplace
    • Instagram
    • Garage Sale

2- Think out of the box. Buy online where you get benefits.

    • A credit card that gives you money back
    • A company that gives you loyalty dollars for buying what you already buy.
    • Take advantage of these savings. They are simple and add up.

(This is real and from my favorite health food store.)

3-The first step is admitting that you do need “retail therapy” then you can discover how to make the best of it.

    • Be creative
    • Make it a hobby, these are some suggestions.
    • Horses
    • Cars
    • Real Estate
    • Clothing
    • Jewelry
    • Shoes
    • Health and Wellness
    • Guitars
    • Violins
    • Musical instruments

My wish for you is to embrace you, and what you like. Don’t be afraid to spend, and don’t be afraid to sell. Enjoy this life.

My wish to you is to have a great day, and do amazing things, my friend!