Happiness is a choice!

“Everyone has to die sometime.”

It was a casual comment and it sent a deep conflict in my soul. Everyone dies sometimes. What about a young man who dies just after his 18th birthday? Yes, this son is safe and with his grandmother, but, what about the mom, brothers, and sisters? Because I have been given the opportunity to look at death right in the face, I may see it from a different respective. It seems that in normality parents die before the children. When someone is old it is a natural time to die. When a young father or mother dies, a child is facing death it is disruptive and confusing. For me, my children are grown and able to care for themselves. It would be hard if I was to pass on, but it would not change the course of their life in many ways.  I am so grateful that I have seen all my children and step-children to adulthood. I have done my part in raising them. They are their own man or woman now. They are in charge of their own destiny. 1 Corinthians 15:54 New Testament 54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put

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Bad Day? Only Bad Moments

This morning I had some extremely scary bad moments. My one-year-old granddaughter got locked into my bedroom. I didn’t have a key. Luckily, she was asleep and was not aware of my panic. Let’s just say when I couldn’t find the key I was panicky and when Grandma is panicky granddaughter is hysterical. I knew this was not going to help. I looked at the big sister of 3 years old and said we should say a prayer. Bless her heart, she was on it in a heartbeat. I take a big breath and said OK we have a great adventure we are going to do amazing hard things today. We did, we stomped through the snow, took the screen out of the bedroom door and we climbed sister climbed in and unlocked the door! For an instant, I was destined to have a bad day. It ended up being a few short moments of bad. Thankfully to a granddaughter that knows that she can do hard things, we are smart brave women! Someone gave me a book called 365 reasons for smiling in thought and pictures. It is by White Star Publishers. As I look for this book I realized

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If you’re going to make it past 1st base in his life he got a show some grit.  My 1st impression at being a mom with all about kisses and the babies. I have always loved babies. They’re so cute and yummy and sweet. I just wanted to have my own to hold and love, kiss, and snuggle. When I had my 1st baby was born, I did just that. It is all I wanted in life. I gave him everything money couldn’t buy. We lived in a little farmhouse and not very much money. It didn’t’ matter, he was my joy, my life, everything to me. In the next 15 years, 5 more children came along. We still had a little house and not very much money. But we had grit. It was me and the kids against the world. I wanted more than anything for them to be able to be self-sufficient to be able to take care of themselves, to live better than we did.  My former husband was a dairy farmer. Therefore, we had all the milk, hamburger, we could ever desire. We grew a large garden. Sometimes you just craved chicken and ketchup because those are

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$Teaching children the value of money. $

When I look at successful families, one defining characteristic stands out: The children know how to work. https://www.deseret.com/2011/4/5/20370972/from-the-homefront-7-secrets-of-successful-parenting-teaching-kids-to-work “I need a credit card,”  As an 18-year-old man who is going to college in my community explains, I say,” You need to get a job and have income coming in, for someone to lend you money.”  He comes back with, “But I need money so I can buy a car, so I can go to college and get a job.” I smile and explain, ”The bank isn’t going to just give you money because you’re going to college. You need to show that you can pay the money back.” This is the story of too many college kids in my town. I hear this kind of conversation for college kids all the time.  Somehow they made it to college without knowing the value of money. I often see many college students shop with their mom at the local Walmart at the beginning of the semester. She buys them items for their new apartment, rugs, decorations, plates, bowls, and their cart is heaping full. After they are settled and mom is gone, the students come back to Walmart returning most of the

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Death and Trauma

On the outside to many, I look like the out happy girl, that is what I am known for. At times, underneath the smile is trauma and tears. I have learned to cry and smile at the same time. This is my coping mechanism. I don’t want to make others uncomfortable or feel sorry for me. When I am grouchy or sad and share these feelings with someone, I feel horrible afterward! My greatest wish is to share sunshine with everyone I meet. How can I do that if I am sad and unhappy? My practice is to get control of my feelings and deal with them, then go change the world. My greatest nightmare as a child was that my mom would die. She did.  I was an adult with 5 children, but it was still devastating. She was my greatest cheerleader. I want to climb in the casket with her. I had put on a happy face and now she knew my marriage was a deep disaster and horrific. She now knew all from her soft white seat in heaven.  For Grieving Mothersby Dr. Joanne Cacciatore  I am not a stranger to death and had witnessed grandmothers and

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Do Bold Things

This book is a summer long project for me. One thing I learned is, that only about 10 people will come to your gravesite when

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