Happiness is a choice!

You don’t need a ‘JOB’ to make $Money$

My heart warmed with hope for the future when one of my newly married sons said to me, ” My job starts in a month, I am not worried about it because I can make more money riding horses than the job. The job is more for my education and my future.”11174779_10205667601723808_1058369519463170602_n

I sat my teenage boys down this morning…wait! How did I get my 3 teenage boys out of bed and up to the table at 10am on a Summers morning? Food. Food is the answer, warm pancakes, ice cream, warm homemade syrup and a yummy breakfast drink. Yup, you want to have any influence on your big boys? Use food.

At least in my house and I claim 10 boys as my boys. I may not have given birth to all of them, but I sure love all of them with all my heart. I pray for them, love them and wish them all success in their lives.

Disclaimer: To the girls in our family, sometimes chocolate is there calling, but things are a little more complicated with them. I love them dearly, but they just aren’t as simple as their brothers.

I used an exercise that my personal life coach had me do. It is all about successful people. You draw an outline of a person and you start writing inside that outline what successful people look like to you. I put yellow paper and pencils on the table.

After they filled their stomachs with the yummy food, I took their plates, (That is a big act of service in our home, the rule is everyone washes their own plate after eating) and then I gave them a white practice paper and a yellow real deal paper. They worked on their papers and there was a peace in our home for a moment. I told them that I loved them, believed in them and to go change the world.

I believe they can.

I believe that a job is important. I also believe that you don’t need to have a job to make money.

The 18 year old said,”How?” I replied,”I don’t know what it is for you, but you can pray and think about it and I believe in you!”

There are an endless number of things that you can do to make money without a ‘JOB’. I personally can’t ever see myself working a job for someone else. It is just like I have no desire to ride a hot air balloon tethered to the ground. It is just too confining for me personally. I edited_2016-07-18 15.44.09need my wings to soar with the clouds. I need to be in charge of giving myself a raise. I need to be able to work around my health and my family.

I am always adding ideas to my Pinterest page for making money. What are some of your ideas? It is endless! Job or not there are many ways support yourself.

click here to see my pintress page.

click here  to see my I am a happy girl shop on face book page

You can do it! I believe in you!!