Happiness is a choice!

Why Succulents?

It was Christmas time and the only present I wanted was to be healed from Cancer. Christmas wishes do come true, I was given a clean bill of health 4 months later.2016-06-03 11.15.31

My job was to stay healthy, stay alive and do my best to be happy and comfortable. The out pouring of neighbors and my community was outstanding. They took care of food for my family,( I didn’t care much for food at the time, let alone cooking) and I had plenty of hats to cover my bald head, and many lovely home made blankets to remind me of the world outside and those who were praying for me.

Jim gave me the gift of life. I didn’t even know I loved plants so very much until he introduced me to the world of succulents.

It was cold outside, but inside the dirt felt alive! Life supports life, the plants, rocks and dirt were breathing life into me.

Jim would come home from dinner and the kitchen would be  covered in dirt, rocks, pots and PLANTS! I spent my days supporting life and these little guys supported me. Oh, I killed a few, (so sorry about that) but it was all trial and error.

2016-06-03 10.19.53When we would head to Salt Lake City, Utah,  to Huntsman’s Hospital,  for a treatment I would get on my phone and look for  2nd hand stores. I would give Jim the “big eyes”,  and it worked almost every time. He would say, “no pots, no plant containers.” But we would always come out with a few or a basket full. I really had no plan for these plants except to plant them. I would get plants, then I would get pots, and it was never ending event. There was always a plant that I hadn’t seen before and it really wanted to come home with me!

In May Jim suggested that we sell some plants for Mothers Day. It was hard to let them go but sharing feels good. It still brings me joy when people  buy a  plant and are grateful, happy and full of love for my little life supporting guys! (then I can buy more..lol)

6 months fast forward, I am slowing down a little. It went from my kitchen table to 2 long banquet tables outside. Now it is down to 1 small table outside.2016-06-29 13.12.58

I have made dear friends through this process. There have been many great adventures. Like when I made friends with all the prison grounds workers at the Idaho State High School Rodeo. 2016-06-03 10.22.14I just made it through cancer and they didn’t scare me. They loved my plants and one sent her boyfriend to buy some for her. The rodeo went for a week and they even gave me some chicks and hens from the garbage pile, to put in the planters. By the end of the week they told me that they loved me. I love them too. It is good to be friends with inmates, way better than being their enemy!

I am starting to let go of some of my plants. I don’t need quite so many. I hope as these plants go into peoples homes, these little guys bring joy and happiness as  they have give me.

I have learned that life truly supports life. My mom would be proud!