Happiness is a choice!

No one can minimize what happened- again and again

Am I hallucinating or is it PTSD? I see his figure in the doorway. It has been years since the incidences They tell me he has changed. Why do I still see his face and feel the fear? I am free of his hold I have forgiven Again Again And again The again’s are never-ending I have been told that I was not really abused. That I am crazy and hormonal. In one instance when I was expected to die from stage 4 Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in July 2015, there was a group of my family members talking about this. One person said that it was “karma” and there was laughter. The laughter that I was going to die, that I would lose my hair, laughter that I would feel deaths breath on my face. I have been told there was only one child who stood up for me and said,” guys, this is our mom. “ I have heard about the incidence on more than on occasion. These people were my people, some are my flesh and blood, I love them as only a mother can. To be honest, after my mother died, then a hideous divorce, then Tex died

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What are you good at? What should you hire out?

Being the intense and practical person that I am seeking help with my business is only after much effort on my own part. After and year of working hard and still being behind the realization came that I need to hire someone to do the things I am slow at. To make things more efficient. If we look at the end goal of success we need to Increase the number of customers. Increase the frequency of purchases Increase average order. – David Carrington Spending hours on a spreadsheet that someone else can do in half the time, is a clear indication that this is something that needs hiring out. It seems that my personal inspirations come in the morning hours as I wake up. I had the thought that I needed a personal assistant. I thought, “That is funny, why would I need that. “ The thought lingered. Sure, enough a stepdaughter that is proficient in what I am not needed a job. She started at 4 hours a week and now it at 10 hours a week.             The law of the thirds comes in many forms. Three truths and a lie team building game the third statement is

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$Teaching children the value of money. $

When I look at successful families, one defining characteristic stands out: The children know how to work. https://www.deseret.com/2011/4/5/20370972/from-the-homefront-7-secrets-of-successful-parenting-teaching-kids-to-work “I need a credit card,”  As an 18-year-old man who is going to college in my community explains, I say,” You need to get a job and have income coming in, for someone to lend you money.”  He comes back with, “But I need money so I can buy a car, so I can go to college and get a job.” I smile and explain, ”The bank isn’t going to just give you money because you’re going to college. You need to show that you can pay the money back.” This is the story of too many college kids in my town. I hear this kind of conversation for college kids all the time.  Somehow they made it to college without knowing the value of money. I often see many college students shop with their mom at the local Walmart at the beginning of the semester. She buys them items for their new apartment, rugs, decorations, plates, bowls, and their cart is heaping full. After they are settled and mom is gone, the students come back to Walmart returning most of the

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Death and Trauma

On the outside to many, I look like the out happy girl, that is what I am known for. At times, underneath the smile is trauma and tears. I have learned to cry and smile at the same time. This is my coping mechanism. I don’t want to make others uncomfortable or feel sorry for me. When I am grouchy or sad and share these feelings with someone, I feel horrible afterward! My greatest wish is to share sunshine with everyone I meet. How can I do that if I am sad and unhappy? My practice is to get control of my feelings and deal with them, then go change the world. My greatest nightmare as a child was that my mom would die. She did.  I was an adult with 5 children, but it was still devastating. She was my greatest cheerleader. I want to climb in the casket with her. I had put on a happy face and now she knew my marriage was a deep disaster and horrific. She now knew all from her soft white seat in heaven.  For Grieving Mothersby Dr. Joanne Cacciatore  I am not a stranger to death and had witnessed grandmothers and

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Hug yo wife, Hug yo kids

My baby brother, 4 kids, in his 40’s . He Just graduated from business college , a great job, his health was better than it had been in a long time. Then the news came,…. What a difference a month can make. First week in Sept I was hiking the Tetons with a great friend. A month later I’m battling leukemia. Hug yo wife, hug yo kids. Life is crazy!- Chad Cannon We just never know. if you know me you know then you know my cancer experience story. If you don’t you can get an overview here. My brother commented- C. Cannon7 months ago Love this, Sis! Grateful you’re still around to brighten our days! Now it is him. He is 13 years younger, a miracle in itself that he is alive this long. He has his own story of heath and pushing through hard. He is sweet, kind, and smart. He helped me get my graduation plan in place and teaches me to be a little more kind, a little more unselfish every day. He is a peacemaker. This scripture shows the world what he is all about. Mosiah 37 And how blessed are they! For they did apublish bpeace; they

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Retail Therapy

Retail Therapy Dear Retail Therapy, You are real. When Tex, my 18-year-old son, passed away 4 days after being diagnosed with influenza, you were there

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I see posts on Facebook that say “I’ve found the answer to staying at and working from home.” They are so excited and their friends and

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Get Back Up!

Someone asked me if my divorce was the saddest thing that ever happened to me. My answer was, “I’ve known sad” But my biggest accomplishment

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