Happiness is a choice!

The Dr. says Caffeine is good for you, but beware of synthetic caffeine

People who consume caffeine on a regular basis live longer than people who don’t consume caffeine.  This is according to my cancer doctor who is a specialist at Huntsmans Cancer Instatute in Salt Lake City. But he said to beware of synthetic caffeine.  I gave him the same look you are giving me, what has synthetic caffeine? He mater-of fact told me to stay away from Red Bull or Chinese synthetic caffeine. “We really don’t know how it is made.” What is synthetic caffeine made of. Well one of the ingredients is urea, urea serves an important role in the metabolism of nitrogen-containing compounds by animals, and is the main nitrogen-containing substance in the urine of mammals. That makes me question drinking my diet pepsi. Darn, it tastes so good! The Cancer specialist is very pleased that I am not having depression. This is very common in cancer survivors. Caffeine can be a great boost to mood, and wakes up your brain, up to 250 mg per day isn’t bad but when you cross the line into addiction, you need to take a look at how you use it. There are a lot of opinions on the use of caffeine and

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You don’t need a ‘JOB’ to make $Money$

My heart warmed with hope for the future when one of my newly married sons said to me, ” My job starts in a month, I am not worried about it because I can make more money riding horses than the job. The job is more for my education and my future.” I sat my teenage boys down this morning…wait! How did I get my 3 teenage boys out of bed and up to the table at 10am on a Summers morning? Food. Food is the answer, warm pancakes, ice cream, warm homemade syrup and a yummy breakfast drink. Yup, you want to have any influence on your big boys? Use food. At least in my house and I claim 10 boys as my boys. I may not have given birth to all of them, but I sure love all of them with all my heart. I pray for them, love them and wish them all success in their lives. Disclaimer: To the girls in our family, sometimes chocolate is there calling, but things are a little more complicated with them. I love them dearly, but they just aren’t as simple as their brothers. I used an exercise that my personal life

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Why Succulents?

It was Christmas time and the only present I wanted was to be healed from Cancer. Christmas wishes do come true, I was given a clean bill of health 4 months later. My job was to stay healthy, stay alive and do my best to be happy and comfortable. The out pouring of neighbors and my community was outstanding. They took care of food for my family,( I didn’t care much for food at the time, let alone cooking) and I had plenty of hats to cover my bald head, and many lovely home made blankets to remind me of the world outside and those who were praying for me. Jim gave me the gift of life. I didn’t even know I loved plants so very much until he introduced me to the world of succulents. It was cold outside, but inside the dirt felt alive! Life supports life, the plants, rocks and dirt were breathing life into me. Jim would come home from dinner and the kitchen would be  covered in dirt, rocks, pots and PLANTS! I spent my days supporting life and these little guys supported me. Oh, I killed a few, (so sorry about that) but it

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Alternative Healing

I am open to new ideas. We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth. (Articles of Faith, Pearl of Great Price, #7) When I memorized this Article of Faith of my church, I was a young girl. I learned and experienced at a very young  age that one of the gifts of the Spirit is to be able to be healed. When we are sick, we can be healed by the power of God. I witnessed this over and over as a child, because of  my mother’s rollercoaster health while she was in and out of the hospital. She had diabetes and other health problems. We thought that she was going to die and  leave us 4 children as orphans many, many times as I was growing up. She was miraculously healed over and over and was able to see all her children get married and start their families. Another gift of the Spirit is when a missionary is sent to a foreign land and is able to quickly learn and understand a new language. I have witnessed this as one of my son’s was called to Paraguay and learned several languages and

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I let go of all negativity that rests in my body and mind

March 31, 2016:  The alarm clock goes off at 7:15 am. The accountability conference call is in 15 min. I am no longer using the cancer card as an excuse to sleep in. I need to find a positive affirmation. I open my book, “I can do it” I read through a few affirmations, this one is what I need today. “I let go of all negativity that rests in my body and mind” I was visiting with a friend through private messaging, who went through radiation the same time as I did. She told me that if she called me right then, that all she would do is cry. She told me that she is struggling a little with depression and anxiety and that radiation changed her personality. That is exactly how I feel!  The last 2 nights I slept at least 9 hours and when I woke up I felt great. But within an hour of getting up, I want to just sit and stare. I still have a hard time eating a meal until about noon. Two days in a row this week I was done with the day at 5 pm. I don’t always need sleep,

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When I was going through a lot of family troubles someone said to me,”I am sorry for YOUR troubles” It helped me understand that those

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Give it to Christ

I am facing hidden pains that have been buried many years. Your lessons, your experiences, and your support and love strengthens me through Christ. This morning

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$Teaching children the value of money. $

When I look at successful families, one defining characteristic stands out: The children know how to work. https://www.deseret.com/2011/4/5/20370972/from-the-homefront-7-secrets-of-successful-parenting-teaching-kids-to-work “I need a credit card,”  As an

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Lucky # 21

 Today is RCHOP treatment #5. I have 21 days until #6 and I will be done. I may not feel well after that but I

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