Happiness is a choice!

The Gift of “Drive”

I am great at so many things, “What should I go to the Olympics in?”  Yes!  I thought that when  I was a little girl. Oh, how I wish everyone to have that kind of confidence. But then life happens. Usually, I have enough “drive” myself. But occasionally I need a push. I get great ideas and go big, then I get tired or just plain bored with the idea. Can you relate? Is this normal? I would like to think that I am not the only one out there with these obstacles. I have felt alone in my big ideas at times. Now I have a gift. A gift to be me and do what I want. It is a big responsibility. I was given the gift of a second chance at life. What will I do with this gift? I had a big idea to sell online. This isn’t the first time. The problem is that measurements, weights, prices, revenue, account balance description, profit margins all matter! What? you mean that I need to keep track of all of this? Money doesn’t just build up in my account without watching your profit margins. An ounce matters when you ship something. Details,

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You can teach an old ”Grandma” new tricks

My parents were good. I knew I couldn’t read as well as the other children. But I did learn to read, just slower. I always felt that I was special and had something inside of me that no one else had. Though it was hard for me in school to keep up. I managed with the help of my friends. I have always been the mothering kind. I pretty much love everyone. When I see a sign that says, “It is too “peopley” out there”  I am yey! It is “peopley” out there. Honestly, I always wanted to go to college, but I didn’t because of fear, money, time and lack of support. I continued to learn. I earned a certificate with,” on the job training” as a preschool teacher. This taught me to read. I have continued to learn and read books on business building, leadership, budgeting, money management, parenting, health and wellness and a variety of subjects to give me a better understanding of the world. I homeschooled my children and while doing that I continued to learn the skills I missed in public school. I have started several businesses and have become a leader. I train and teach,

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2 years later, still learning from “Bald headed moments”

-a bald-headed moment is when you are suddenly vulnerable or taken by surprise and you turn it around into bettering yourself. https://youtu.be/u3JkAB53vc8 From the age of 10 years old, I knew I was a strong swimmer. I could jump off a high dive, bridge and be confident that I could swim to the side. It was a humbling experience and hard to believe that I was no longer that girl. This was a new normal for me. I could walk, talk and take care of myself. But I was unable to hike, swim and be the active person I have been my entire life. Because of this I started putting limitations on myself and felt like this was a reasonable limitation, even after 2 years of recovery. Here is an example; I have been a piano teacher for 20 years and played throughout my childhood. After chemo and radiation, my fingers started locking up. My right hand is swollen and sore. When I was asked if I could accompaniment a musical number in sacrament meeting  I replied that I had retired. I have played simple songs with my grandchildren, though I have to admit that put that talent on the

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Being impetuous can get you in trouble even when you don’t mean to! When I am quiet you know that something is wrong. My words may be quiet but my mind isn’t. By nature, impetuous is where I am at. I am reasoning within myself and talking myself out of being hasty and impulsive. I know this story will be told at my funeral or will be brought up around the table before or after my funeral. I want the truth to be told. Because I have heard variations of it and this story about my impetuous nature! My middle son Tex was turning 8 right around Halloween. He is different from my other children. I wanted this to be an extra special birthday for him. In our religion 8 is the age for accountability and baptism. I planned for weeks to make this an incredible experience for all, and it will be memorable for all who attended or wish they had. I decorated the room with pictures of Tex, his violin was on display and family musical spiritual numbers were prepared by our family band, “The Elkington Fiddlers” I was at the piano. right by the door to the baptismal font. The

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Do you measure your worth with money?

Yesterday was Valentine’s Day and I wanted to make sugar cookies. I needed flour. I went to the store and bought some. I picked up an extra bag of powdered sugar, just in case. I didn’t feel bad about myself because I ran out of flour. I don’t use white flour very often, so it isn’t something I use a lot. I just use it for special occasions. I always have wheat and a wheat grinder, I use that almost every day. I make my own bread and use the wheat for all my general baking. Why do we feel bad when we don’t have enough money? We went to the car lot the other day. I know pretty much what I a looking for. I was set back a little because the price/payments were going to be more than I had anticipated. I was feeling really bad about myself and was beating myself up. I want to buy a car like I buy a bag of flour. I am not going to feel bad because I can’t do that right now. I want to do fun things, I want to have joy in this life. So I will no longer

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Give it to Christ

I am facing hidden pains that have been buried many years. Your lessons, your experiences, and your support and love strengthens me through Christ. This morning

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Shake it off

Shake it off, shake it off,,,Happiness is here!!! One of my friends told me how one day she was so discouraged and was in the

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Puppy Love

Loves and kisses from grandchildren are the best. These two really want a dog and they got use to Kakoa really fast. We went for

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