Happiness is a choice!

Death and Trauma

On the outside to many, I look like the out happy girl, that is what I am known for. At times, underneath the smile is trauma and tears. I have learned to cry and smile at the same time. This is my coping mechanism. I don’t want to make others uncomfortable or feel sorry for me. When I am grouchy or sad and share these feelings with someone, I feel horrible afterward! My greatest wish is to share sunshine with everyone I meet. How can I do that if I am sad and unhappy? My practice is to get control of my feelings and deal with them, then go change the world. My greatest nightmare as a child was that my mom would die. She did.  I was an adult with 5 children, but it was still devastating. She was my greatest cheerleader. I want to climb in the casket with her. I had put on a happy face and now she knew my marriage was a deep disaster and horrific. She now knew all from her soft white seat in heaven.  For Grieving Mothersby Dr. Joanne Cacciatore  I am not a stranger to death and had witnessed grandmothers and

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Wanna sell online? Know these 2 #’s

Suzanne A. Wells is my hero. She is a real person who sells on eBay and helps others. I a learning everything I can from her. The majority of sellers love the hunt. They love finding the deal. She is blunt, tough and straightforward. #1 Know your average profit per item. #2 Know your monthly sell-through rate. That means math and spreadsheets. If you would rather eat rocks than make spreadsheets then hire it out! Some people absolutely get gitty about spreadsheets. I have actually met them in person! I love them so very much! Personally, I would rather spend my day talking to strangers and building friendships. That may sound odd to the introvert. If you are an entrepreneur or want to be one, you need to be self-motivated. You will be tired and get bored.  For me I want to get out and go shopping and have lunch with friends. You need to set goals and be organized. It is important to be flexible and remember why you want to work from home. Because you want freedom! Here are some tips. If you are selling on auction, have your items end their listing when you are not at

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Hug yo wife, Hug yo kids

My baby brother, 4 kids, in his 40’s . He Just graduated from business college , a great job, his health was better than it had been in a long time. Then the news came,…. What a difference a month can make. First week in Sept I was hiking the Tetons with a great friend. A month later I’m battling leukemia. Hug yo wife, hug yo kids. Life is crazy!- Chad Cannon We just never know. if you know me you know then you know my cancer experience story. If you don’t you can get an overview here. My brother commented- C. Cannon7 months ago Love this, Sis! Grateful you’re still around to brighten our days! Now it is him. He is 13 years younger, a miracle in itself that he is alive this long. He has his own story of heath and pushing through hard. He is sweet, kind, and smart. He helped me get my graduation plan in place and teaches me to be a little more kind, a little more unselfish every day. He is a peacemaker. This scripture shows the world what he is all about. Mosiah 37 And how blessed are they! For they did apublish bpeace; they

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I Was Here

We all want to feel important. We all don’t feel important at times. This song sung by Kristin Chenoweth has made an impact on me. It starts You will notice me I’ll be leaving my mark Like initial carved in an old oak tree Just wait and see. There have been times in my life that I felt that I didn’t matter. When I start looking at the blessing around me I can not deny. The little ones coming into the world have some of my characteristics. My grandchildren, nieces and nephews, and yes, the ones that are not blood-related come with some of me too! My grandchildren know that grandma is going to college. One of my oldest grandsons said, “That is weird grandma.” I agree it is strange and different. I know that they will remember this. That their grandma was learning when her hair was grey. I hire some of my grandchildren to work for me. They pull off stickers of items that I am selling. I have them fill their bags up with stickers so I can tell who worked. They feel important. They are making a difference. I wanna do something that matters Say something

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Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway

Carol Sevy The same nightmare in a different form. He is chasing me, I know him well. He has gathered an army of minions. His charm and things of this world, money  has beguiled them. I know I know I am safe for now. He goes after the ones who are dearest to me. They are under his spell, I see I see They who have seen him for who he is want to think he has changed. They enjoy the things of the world he has to offer. His claws are only in the dark corners of my mind. They are loosening as my strength grows, they are only mitts. He knows he has lost the battle with me, He goes after the little ones. The pure in heart. I can offer my prayers. My testimony of Jesus Christ. The Atonement of Jesus Christ. Forgiveness,  And a shield of protection. The Holy Ghost.  I often am haunted by dreams. But now in those dreams, I get away from evil. I am learning to feel the fear and do it anyway. Face it anyway. I will not hide and give him any control of me. I am of a sound

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Limitations: Limiting rule or circumstance; a restriction. These are big hard words for a girl like myself. I do what I can, push myself before

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I used to have asthma, I used an inhaler on a daily basis, but now I am asthma free… unless I clean with ammonia, or

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Happy Momma

Less time at in grocery lines More time doing what I love Saving money Better products Better value = Happy Momma Yes! I am a

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Puppy Love

Loves and kisses from grandchildren are the best. These two really want a dog and they got use to Kakoa really fast. We went for

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