Happiness is a choice!

6 rules to success

It is so weird that I am a full-time college student, a grandma, and I love it and hate it at the same time. Learning the in’s and out’s of business is a joy. I see where I need to improve and am committed to being a lifetime learner. No regrets. This is my time now to get a college degree. Because I need it. I am a sophomore. That seemed so far off 2 years ago. It is never too late. 55 is the new 35! I have friends who are retiring now and good for them! Walking my own road is what it is. Here is a list of success that is my entrepreneur, marketing class. It is a great list no matter what age and no matter what order. Breaking the rules is always fun! 1) Get up early2)Work hard3)Get your education4)Find oil5)Make your mark6)Get prepared to serve

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Survivor or Thriver

\ It was getting harder and harder to breathe. I was afraid to eat food because it was getting stuck in my throat. There were 5 doctors around me, feeling the 18-centimeter lump in my stomach. The pet scan indicated that I had cancer from my chin to my ankles. I was diagnosed with the big “C” and according to the pet scan,  I lit up like a Christmas tree. The questions were ringing in my ears. How is she still alive? Can her heart make it through this treatment? She is going to die either way. How is she still walking? “Carol are you up for this? We are going to double the treatment, your heart might not be able to handle it, you will die if we don’t do something fast. I understand fully well. My own personal mantra is,” life is hard when we can get through hard we can have a good life.” I would survive, I knew it without a doubt. We are all survivors. If you are reading this, you are alive and you are a survivor. A thriver is living life to its fullest. I was using the, “as if,” principle and planning

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Small Horse with a Big Try

Smokey had heart, She was a small horse with a big heart Her try was bigger than her why I asked, she did Then I asked for more She did More Did More It was all she had, she tried, but it was not enough She balked I spanked I said, I need more! I was ready for more!   The horse with the big heart and a bigger try was not enough Smokey was too much of a horse for me when I was 10 years old. She was my dad’s horse and she seemed to do it all. Then my dad said I was ready for her. She pushed me to become a better rider.  I won ribbon after ribbon in the show ring. I wanted more. I took her to a higher level, rodeo queen contests. She took me to the top. This little horse had a big heart and even more try. I wanted more from her. So, we challenged her to the rodeo arena in goat tying. We were winning! I put her against the tall race horses in barrel racing. She tried, she had heart, it was not enough. I asked for more, she

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Where is the item I sold?

As my online business grows, my biggest issue is finding the item. I have had up to 2000 items listed and keeping track of where I put it is a chore. I have used many methods. I have watched many YouTube videos on how others organize their items. Finally, I was able to hire someone to get the job done. This is what we have found works best. A spreadsheet. I told here I would rather eat rocks than put everything into a spreadsheet! We started that task and have improved the process as we have gone. I now semi enjoy it. I absolutely love finding the item right away! We simply number bins. I have clear bins and they are numbered. The garage has the most bins. It doesn’t matter if the bin has random items or all the same thing. As long as it is in the data. Of course, the identical item is in the same bin and the number of items in the spreadsheet. I am able to click on the spreadsheet and see what platform I am selling the item on, how many available and what bin number. I have items in several rooms in

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How to Keep the Marriage Alive…….Romantically

How to keep the marriage alive romantically? I was hairless, stripped of my identity. No eyelashes, eyebrows, and no noes hair. Did you know that when you don’t have nose hair, the boogers just fly out? Yes, flying snot, on top of baldness, and he loved me. He was tender, loving and told me every day I was cute. I could only get up for 15 minutes a day, my muscle mass was gone, I was saggy. He told me I was beautiful. He held me and was grateful for every second of my life. I fevered, and was lifeless, he saved my life… over and over. I heard a woman that is fit say that when her husband takes off his shirt, she almost pukes. He has gained over 60 pounds since their marriage. I was shocked, what does weight gain have to do with love?  Now that I have felt unconditional love, my husband is a “sexy beast husband.” It more than physical. He loves me unconditionally and because of that love, he is the most gorgeous man on the planet. I once asked him if he could fix things? He said, “Of course I can, that is

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Yummy! DiPitY DiPs

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