Happiness is a choice!

6 rules to success

It is so weird that I am a full-time college student, a grandma, and I love it and hate it at the same time. Learning the in’s and out’s of business is a joy. I see where I need to improve and am committed to being a lifetime learner. No regrets. This is my time now to get a college degree. Because I need it. I am a sophomore. That seemed so far off 2 years ago. It is never too late. 55 is the new 35! I have friends who are retiring now and good for them! Walking my own road is what it is. Here is a list of success that is my entrepreneur, marketing class. It is a great list no matter what age and no matter what order. Breaking the rules is always fun!

1) Get up early
2)Work hard
3)Get your education
4)Find oil
5)Make your mark
6)Get prepared to serve