Happiness is a choice!

How to Keep the Marriage Alive…….Romantically

How to keep the marriage alive romantically? I was hairless, stripped of my identity. No eyelashes, eyebrows, and no noes hair. Did you know that when you don’t have nose hair, the boogers just fly out? Yes, flying snot, on top of baldness, and he loved me. He was tender, loving and told me every day I was cute. I could only get up for 15 minutes a day, my muscle mass was gone, I was saggy. He told me I was beautiful. He held me and was grateful for every second of my life. I fevered, and was lifeless, he saved my life… over and over.

I heard a woman that is fit say that when her husband takes off his shirt, she almost pukes. He has gained over 60 pounds since their marriage. I was shocked, what does weight gain have to do with love?

 Now that I have felt unconditional love, my husband is a “sexy beast husband.” It more than physical. He loves me unconditionally and because of that love, he is the most gorgeous man on the planet. I once asked him if he could fix things? He said, “Of course I can, that is what I do for a living.” Now that is the sexiest thing a man has ever said to me!

Four years later after the cancer experience I am a cancer thriver! I want to live life to the fullest. He supports me, believes in me.  I felt myself drifting from the feeling of overwhelming gratitude. I needed to be more grateful. I decided to start writing a thank you note to my husband every day for a year in a book. By the end of the year I would give it to him for our anniversary.

This experience helped me be more conscience of what I was going to write for the day. It helped me think of good and positive happenings. In all it helped me be more grateful for my husband. He has had it for a month now and I asked him what it has done for him. He said, “I am not as bad as I thought I was.”

Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work and wholesome recreation activities. (THE FAMILY A Proclamation To The World. The First Presidency and Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints)

What do we do to keep our love romantically alive? We love each other unconditionally. We have gratitude for the small things.