Happiness is a choice!

What is “Real” at Christmas?

I felt so numb. My legs felt like wood. I am Christmas Carol. That is what my mom called me! But she is an angel in heaven and I think she is pretty busy. ( my mom painted these figuriness and notice the book says Christmas Carols, Yes that is about me:)               I would take pictures of off the kids in front of the Christmas tree. Yes, Tex is an angel in heaven and he wasn’t feeling the Christmas spirit that during this picture, maybe because the lump of coal in his stocking was mentioned 100 times a day!   Then I remember the Christmas I was exhausted and drank hot cocoa and watched movies as my children visited their father and we started a “new normal” Divorced parents after 25 years of marriage. Ya, that was a memorable Christmas.   Just 2 years ago I was pretty sure it was my last Christmas because of a life-changing cancer experience.    But now I am here to face these memories, and my heart, legs and mind just wasn’t sure what to do. This is the 1st time in a very long time that I was

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Being impetuous can get you in trouble even when you don’t mean to! When I am quiet you know that something is wrong. My words may be quiet but my mind isn’t. By nature, impetuous is where I am at. I am reasoning within myself and talking myself out of being hasty and impulsive. I know this story will be told at my funeral or will be brought up around the table before or after my funeral. I want the truth to be told. Because I have heard variations of it and this story about my impetuous nature! My middle son Tex was turning 8 right around Halloween. He is different from my other children. I wanted this to be an extra special birthday for him. In our religion 8 is the age for accountability and baptism. I planned for weeks to make this an incredible experience for all, and it will be memorable for all who attended or wish they had. I decorated the room with pictures of Tex, his violin was on display and family musical spiritual numbers were prepared by our family band, “The Elkington Fiddlers” I was at the piano. right by the door to the baptismal font. The

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You may not need the hive, but the hive needs YOU

You may not need the hive, but the hive needs YOU I love you You are important I feel your heart  I feel your struggles   I cry for you Mourn for you  You are important You are a mighty bee   You may be one You may seem small You feel unnoticed You are missed    Your are needed You are the hive You are a fighter bee You are my honey   I will forever Bee YOUR mascot! To Class of 1982, Carol Cannon Sevy

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My Andy finally found his Anne

My mom made me a Raggedy  Anne and Andy when I was a girl. I loved them both and they were in my room as a child and a teenager. They reminded me of my mothers love for me. The love of my mother and father and grandmother and grandfather. When I was married at the tender age of 18 years old. They came with me.  They were set aside as my life as a wife, mother and grandmother continued. I found myself as a divorced mom after almost 25 years of marriage. With the move and  craziness of a new life, my Anne was lost. I am not sure where or how. As children have grown and left the roost and  I was able to have and office of my own . Andy found his own special place in my office. I kept wondering if Anne would show up. But she hasn’t and I have often wondered where she was. I have felt bad that I didn’t take better care of her. My mom had put so much time into them both. My mom is in Heaven and I cherish the things the she hand stitched. I was needing

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Which one are you?

Which child are you in this picture? This Easter day I had the privilege of teaching 5 year olds in primary.  The Primary is an organized program of religious instruction and activity in the LDS church for children eighteen months of age until 12 years old. My husband and I were team teaching and I asked one boy which one he would be and act it out. He chose the boy folding his arms, another chose the one with the goat, and the only girl in the class chose the girl sitting at Jesus’s feet. They all got in their positions and looked at me with their big eyes as I asked them, “If you could ask Jesus any question, what would it be?” The beautiful 5 year old girl asked with all sincerity, “Am I good enough?” Another boy said,”Ya I haven’t been very good” then she said,”Ya , sometimes I just do bad things” The  other boy said that he didn’t know what he would ask. As I look at this picture I believe I have been all of these children, and with tears in my eyes I told them that I hadn’t been very good either. But

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 Today I wanted to go to one of my favorite stores for Black Friday and get some paint for a project. I could get it

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