Happiness is a choice!

Do you measure your worth with money?

Yesterday was Valentine’s Day and I wanted to make sugar cookies. I needed flour. I went to the store and bought some. I picked up an extra bag of powdered sugar, just in case. I didn’t feel bad about myself because I ran out of flour. I don’t use white flour very often, so it isn’t something I use a lot. I just use it for special occasions. I always have wheat and a wheat grinder, I use that almost every day. I make my own bread and use the wheat for all my general baking. Why do we feel bad when we don’t have enough money? We went to the car lot the other day. I know pretty much what I a looking for. I was set back a little because the price/payments were going to be more than I had anticipated. I was feeling really bad about myself and was beating myself up. I want to buy a car like I buy a bag of flour. I am not going to feel bad because I can’t do that right now. I want to do fun things, I want to have joy in this life. So I will no longer

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Sisters day

Sisters Day for my family started with my mom and all of her sister in 1982. My mom planned an amazing wedding celebration for me. Then she realized that she was way over her head. Her sisters jumped in and they worked every Thursday for three months to make my day memorable. They made my dress, bridesmaids dresses, little girls dresses, ties for the boys, centerpieces and all the food for the blessed occasion. It was the perfect day for me. What a wonderful celebration! They found that they could get a lot done mainly from 10 am to 12 pm one day a week. Many hands make light work. I was the recipient of their thoughtfulness, talents, and love. Sisters Day continued for years after that. I took my children to “Sisters Day.” They loved playing with cousins. We took turns on having it at each of our homes. This is how it worked. Every Thursday we would meet at someones home. They know beforehand and planed on a simple lunch for those who are coming. Sometimes the person in charge would call a potluck and we would bring leftovers or whatever we wanted.  They plan on a project

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I. F. I was a duck

As everyone can tell, I love Idaho Falls. I know the “downtown” like the back of my hand. I have been on every trail around the green belt and look forward to all the new construction every year. I have lived in the vicinities of Idaho Falls my entire life. My husband works in downtown Idaho Falls and  I go with him often, just to do what I want. I like to explore new stores, new things around the Green Belt and just enjoy the wildlife and especially the ducks. I think of myself as a duck sometimes. When the troubles of the world try to overpower me and I feel like I am suffocating. I remember the first moment I felt my bald head. My tiny, shiny, bald head. I take the troubles that are in my head, wrap them up in a bald headed moment, because that is when I discovered bald headed moments, and make it into a drop of water. I throw it up in the air and let it hit the back of my neck, my chin, my back, it doesn’t matter. Because wherever it lands, it just rolls off and evaporates. I walk around the river,

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2 Steps to Save You Time With Dirty Dishes

When it comes to keeping a kitchen clean, dirty dishes is the most obvious mess. This system is tried and true. We have used this system for the last 9 years and it works for a home with  one person and up (we have had up to 9 children living in our home.)  This really helps out. I don’t mind putting the dishes in if they are stacked and rinsed. It is easy and it defiantly  saves time. Step 1 – Have everyone rinse off their own dishes and utensils, and set it on the counter by the dishwasher. This keeps leftover food from drying onto the surface of the dishes and the dishwasher will do a much better job. Step 2 – To avoid putting dirty dishes in the cupboard we have a code to tell if the dishes are clean or dirty. If the container where you place you put the dish detergent is open then the dishes are clean. If the container is closed, then the closed then the dishes are dirty.  = dirty! No one minds putting the dishes in the dish washer, if they are stacked and rinsed, even if 1 person does it, it is quick,

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I didn’t die from cancer, whats next?

When I think of an almost death situation, I think that it would change someone so dramatically that they would never be the same. This is true. But after chemo and radiation and facing death, right in your face several times, how does it change you? I can only talk for myself. When I first found out that I was facing cancer my first instinct was to quietly go through this experience, not tell anyone, and live my life normally. Hide out and quietly do this alone. I am pretty sure I would have died if I would have done this. Because: I was so sick I didn’t care if I died. So no one would have known when I needed help. I could look pretty normal for an hour at a time. So if I showed my face, with make-up, a wig, and a smile. People would probably not notice. If it wasn’t for people who were aware that I needed help I would have missed out on a sweet friend, laying by me on my bedside, asking questions and finding something that tasted good, and bringing it to me. My sweet husband is the best. He works far and

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