Happiness is a choice!

Bee Day

We got our chores done Dressed for the hunt, Sweatshirt, chacos, and comfy pants Red minivan Full tank of gas Shopping day here we come. We ooooed We aaahhhhed We touched, dreamed  And laughed like 5-year-olds. Then we saw it,  The giant bubble gum machine. We had to At any cost It was free Stale Hard Awful One doesn’t care when your 5 Two business women Out for the day A sisterhood that started before time.  Now we are back to work Let’s go change the world sassy pants! 

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To the Love of my Life, Jim

We won We never gave up. We saw the vision And we worked Consistently for years and years Our reward is invisible to many We are not flashy We are not the leaders on stage We sit in the back We hold each other’s hands as tears run down our face We wonder why we did not reach our goals OR have we We have us, health, breath, more than we would have We plant seeds and they are slow-growing We may not see the reward in our lives But the seeds are in the ground as deep roots We have what we need. Much more than we had. We have been blessed. We may never advance on stage again, But someone we introduced will change the world Because we never gave up We keep on keeping on Because we do, a legacy is born We are the messenger and others have the decision to listen Some will, some won’t, so what? Their life will change or won’t Some will have more and be more Because we never gave up We are the little man We changed our own life in a big way To the world, it seems small

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No one can minimize what happened- again and again

Am I hallucinating or is it PTSD? I see his figure in the doorway. It has been years since the incidences They tell me he has changed. Why do I still see his face and feel the fear? I am free of his hold I have forgiven Again Again And again The again’s are never-ending I have been told that I was not really abused. That I am crazy and hormonal. In one instance when I was expected to die from stage 4 Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in July 2015, there was a group of my family members talking about this. One person said that it was “karma” and there was laughter. The laughter that I was going to die, that I would lose my hair, laughter that I would feel deaths breath on my face. I have been told there was only one child who stood up for me and said,” guys, this is our mom. “ I have heard about the incidence on more than on occasion. These people were my people, some are my flesh and blood, I love them as only a mother can. To be honest, after my mother died, then a hideous divorce, then Tex died

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“Everyone has to die sometime.”

It was a casual comment and it sent a deep conflict in my soul. Everyone dies sometimes. What about a young man who dies just after his 18th birthday? Yes, this son is safe and with his grandmother, but, what about the mom, brothers, and sisters? Because I have been given the opportunity to look at death right in the face, I may see it from a different respective. It seems that in normality parents die before the children. When someone is old it is a natural time to die. When a young father or mother dies, a child is facing death it is disruptive and confusing. For me, my children are grown and able to care for themselves. It would be hard if I was to pass on, but it would not change the course of their life in many ways.  I am so grateful that I have seen all my children and step-children to adulthood. I have done my part in raising them. They are their own man or woman now. They are in charge of their own destiny. 1 Corinthians 15:54 New Testament 54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put

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$Teaching children the value of money. $

When I look at successful families, one defining characteristic stands out: The children know how to work. https://www.deseret.com/2011/4/5/20370972/from-the-homefront-7-secrets-of-successful-parenting-teaching-kids-to-work “I need a credit card,”  As an 18-year-old man who is going to college in my community explains, I say,” You need to get a job and have income coming in, for someone to lend you money.”  He comes back with, “But I need money so I can buy a car, so I can go to college and get a job.” I smile and explain, ”The bank isn’t going to just give you money because you’re going to college. You need to show that you can pay the money back.” This is the story of too many college kids in my town. I hear this kind of conversation for college kids all the time.  Somehow they made it to college without knowing the value of money. I often see many college students shop with their mom at the local Walmart at the beginning of the semester. She buys them items for their new apartment, rugs, decorations, plates, bowls, and their cart is heaping full. After they are settled and mom is gone, the students come back to Walmart returning most of the

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Open the Door

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Retail Therapy

Retail Therapy Dear Retail Therapy, You are real. When Tex, my 18-year-old son, passed away 4 days after being diagnosed with influenza, you were there

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The Next Big Thing

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The Happiest People

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