Happiness is a choice!

It is NOT a bad hair day

It is NOT a bad hair day My life has been centered around my hair. My mom was a beautician and she was doing my hair from the moment I was born. My aunts were getting their hair done for dances as I watched rows of ratted curls grow high upon their heads,  with ringlets in the back. That was my favorite transformation. Also my aunts would use soup cans to get big straight curls. It was alway the center of conversation around my house. I love this story… An associate of mine was telling me that she was recently divorced and her former husband had always insisted that she grew her hair out. She was feeling really defiant and was drinking with her friends on evening and all of a sudden she said, “Let’s shave my head” She started chopping and finally they got to a bic razor. To the point that she  was shiny bald. She woke up the next morning and looked at herself in the mirror and said,”Oh my heck, I’ve got to go to work!” She went to work and she was fine. It is pretty common to see a shaved head. I would give

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Why Succulents?

It was Christmas time and the only present I wanted was to be healed from Cancer. Christmas wishes do come true, I was given a clean bill of health 4 months later. My job was to stay healthy, stay alive and do my best to be happy and comfortable. The out pouring of neighbors and my community was outstanding. They took care of food for my family,( I didn’t care much for food at the time, let alone cooking) and I had plenty of hats to cover my bald head, and many lovely home made blankets to remind me of the world outside and those who were praying for me. Jim gave me the gift of life. I didn’t even know I loved plants so very much until he introduced me to the world of succulents. It was cold outside, but inside the dirt felt alive! Life supports life, the plants, rocks and dirt were breathing life into me. Jim would come home from dinner and the kitchen would be  covered in dirt, rocks, pots and PLANTS! I spent my days supporting life and these little guys supported me. Oh, I killed a few, (so sorry about that) but it

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Sassy girl, lets go change the world!

  Some people have that personality that is I am sassy and I am here! I felt like I had that with long hair. I would try all kinds of different styles. Sometimes we are put in a position that our choices are taken away.  It forces growth, change, and you experience things you never imagined. One of my cancer survivor friends had a good 2 or 3 inches of hair.  I was in envy of her curly locks and she still felt like a victim. This time I no longer feel like I have, ” Cancer  survivor” on my head. It is more like,” Sassy Girl, Lets go change the world!” I think when your hair is taken away from you, you have a new perception, ya, one inch feels good!  

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Happy Core Strengthening!

This is a little embarrassing. I thought with this cancer experience I would be down about 50 pounds by now. That is not the case. I am alive and curvy! That is ok. I am still a happy girl, yes a chubby happy girl. I started physical therapy and  I just couldn’t believe how much better I feel! I have been an exercise girl all my life. I was very surprised the muscles I didn’t realize I even had. I just want to share. If you can lay on your back, you can do this. I honestly just want to share and if I can help someone feel better that would be worth the embarrassment! I hope that this video will help you feel better and improve your view on life and your health and strength. Happy Core strengthening!  

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It may be the Chemo Curls

It may be the Chemo Curls by Carol Sevy I would really like to tell you, I have it all together. But I don’t. It may be the Chemo Curls?   My mind is racing, My heart is beating, (I am thankful for that) I wonder with each new curl on my head, Comes a new crazy Chemo Curl thought?   I was driving down the road and suddenly had the urge, Can I take that corner going 50 miles an hour? I reign myself in and remember that I am not on my horse. This is not barrel racing. I have a few more Chemo Curls.   She looks familiar Is she new at church? I ask  where do you live? She is my renter … I talked to her yesterday It has to be, Chemo Curls.   I buy 100 unique containers.        Plants to separate, Sand, dirt, rocks. Where do you put 100 new plants in your house? You don’t! Maybe it is the Chemo Curls?   I hear my son cuss. Where did he learn that? Oh, it is me. I promise myself to watch my mouth. I hear myself cuss, Chemo curls??  

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Bee Day

We got our chores done Dressed for the hunt, Sweatshirt, chacos, and comfy pants Red minivan Full tank of gas Shopping day here we come.

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