Happiness is a choice!

The Buzz of Selling on line. What this Bee has Learned

Once a Bonneville Bee always a Bonneville Bee, with that being said. My personal mentor is Suzanne A. Wells and we only converse over email, YouTube messages, Facebook Messenger. Because of many commitments, I am not quite ready to move to the next level with her mentorship. She is the real deal. In the future, I will connect into her paid system l. For now, I am learning from her free content.  She has hundreds of YouTube videos that she uses for teaching tools. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=suzanne+wells+ She has taught me to ship internationally. I was very fearful to try this and with her mentorship, I was able to jump into a new world of shipping all over the world. I learned to adjust my posts to get better results. I would always set a price and she taught me to negotiate. She feels that it is her calling to help people with eBay and be successful. She interviews people that are sellers. She shares this with the public. I have learned to buy specialty items that are low cost to sell and a high profit. She has a Monday video that people share items that they sold over $100. This is great to

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What are you good at? What should you hire out?

Being the intense and practical person that I am seeking help with my business is only after much effort on my own part. After and year of working hard and still being behind the realization came that I need to hire someone to do the things I am slow at. To make things more efficient. If we look at the end goal of success we need to Increase the number of customers. Increase the frequency of purchases Increase average order. – David Carrington Spending hours on a spreadsheet that someone else can do in half the time, is a clear indication that this is something that needs hiring out. It seems that my personal inspirations come in the morning hours as I wake up. I had the thought that I needed a personal assistant. I thought, “That is funny, why would I need that. “ The thought lingered. Sure, enough a stepdaughter that is proficient in what I am not needed a job. She started at 4 hours a week and now it at 10 hours a week.             The law of the thirds comes in many forms. Three truths and a lie team building game the third statement is

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“Everyone has to die sometime.”

It was a casual comment and it sent a deep conflict in my soul. Everyone dies sometimes. What about a young man who dies just after his 18th birthday? Yes, this son is safe and with his grandmother, but, what about the mom, brothers, and sisters? Because I have been given the opportunity to look at death right in the face, I may see it from a different respective. It seems that in normality parents die before the children. When someone is old it is a natural time to die. When a young father or mother dies, a child is facing death it is disruptive and confusing. For me, my children are grown and able to care for themselves. It would be hard if I was to pass on, but it would not change the course of their life in many ways.  I am so grateful that I have seen all my children and step-children to adulthood. I have done my part in raising them. They are their own man or woman now. They are in charge of their own destiny. 1 Corinthians 15:54 New Testament 54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put

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Hug yo wife, Hug yo kids

My baby brother, 4 kids, in his 40’s . He Just graduated from business college , a great job, his health was better than it had been in a long time. Then the news came,…. What a difference a month can make. First week in Sept I was hiking the Tetons with a great friend. A month later I’m battling leukemia. Hug yo wife, hug yo kids. Life is crazy!- Chad Cannon We just never know. if you know me you know then you know my cancer experience story. If you don’t you can get an overview here. My brother commented- C. Cannon7 months ago Love this, Sis! Grateful you’re still around to brighten our days! Now it is him. He is 13 years younger, a miracle in itself that he is alive this long. He has his own story of heath and pushing through hard. He is sweet, kind, and smart. He helped me get my graduation plan in place and teaches me to be a little more kind, a little more unselfish every day. He is a peacemaker. This scripture shows the world what he is all about. Mosiah 37 And how blessed are they! For they did apublish bpeace; they

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Survivor or Thriver

\ It was getting harder and harder to breathe. I was afraid to eat food because it was getting stuck in my throat. There were 5 doctors around me, feeling the 18-centimeter lump in my stomach. The pet scan indicated that I had cancer from my chin to my ankles. I was diagnosed with the big “C” and according to the pet scan,  I lit up like a Christmas tree. The questions were ringing in my ears. How is she still alive? Can her heart make it through this treatment? She is going to die either way. How is she still walking? “Carol are you up for this? We are going to double the treatment, your heart might not be able to handle it, you will die if we don’t do something fast. I understand fully well. My own personal mantra is,” life is hard when we can get through hard we can have a good life.” I would survive, I knew it without a doubt. We are all survivors. If you are reading this, you are alive and you are a survivor. A thriver is living life to its fullest. I was using the, “as if,” principle and planning

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