Happiness is a choice!

$Teaching children the value of money. $

When I look at successful families, one defining characteristic stands out: The children know how to work. https://www.deseret.com/2011/4/5/20370972/from-the-homefront-7-secrets-of-successful-parenting-teaching-kids-to-work “I need a credit card,”  As an 18-year-old man who is going to college in my community explains, I say,” You need to get a job and have income coming in, for someone to lend you money.”  He comes back with, “But I need money so I can buy a car, so I can go to college and get a job.” I smile and explain, ”The bank isn’t going to just give you money because you’re going to college. You need to show that you can pay the money back.” This is the story of too many college kids in my town. I hear this kind of conversation for college kids all the time.  Somehow they made it to college without knowing the value of money. I often see many college students shop with their mom at the local Walmart at the beginning of the semester. She buys them items for their new apartment, rugs, decorations, plates, bowls, and their cart is heaping full. After they are settled and mom is gone, the students come back to Walmart returning most of the

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I Was Here

We all want to feel important. We all don’t feel important at times. This song sung by Kristin Chenoweth has made an impact on me. It starts You will notice me I’ll be leaving my mark Like initial carved in an old oak tree Just wait and see. There have been times in my life that I felt that I didn’t matter. When I start looking at the blessing around me I can not deny. The little ones coming into the world have some of my characteristics. My grandchildren, nieces and nephews, and yes, the ones that are not blood-related come with some of me too! My grandchildren know that grandma is going to college. One of my oldest grandsons said, “That is weird grandma.” I agree it is strange and different. I know that they will remember this. That their grandma was learning when her hair was grey. I hire some of my grandchildren to work for me. They pull off stickers of items that I am selling. I have them fill their bags up with stickers so I can tell who worked. They feel important. They are making a difference. I wanna do something that matters Say something

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Small Horse with a Big Try

Smokey had heart, She was a small horse with a big heart Her try was bigger than her why I asked, she did Then I asked for more She did More Did More It was all she had, she tried, but it was not enough She balked I spanked I said, I need more! I was ready for more!   The horse with the big heart and a bigger try was not enough Smokey was too much of a horse for me when I was 10 years old. She was my dad’s horse and she seemed to do it all. Then my dad said I was ready for her. She pushed me to become a better rider.  I won ribbon after ribbon in the show ring. I wanted more. I took her to a higher level, rodeo queen contests. She took me to the top. This little horse had a big heart and even more try. I wanted more from her. So, we challenged her to the rodeo arena in goat tying. We were winning! I put her against the tall race horses in barrel racing. She tried, she had heart, it was not enough. I asked for more, she

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Garbage in Your life and In Your Brain

Why do people hang onto garbage? Why is taking the garbage out such an argument? Is it my job? Is it your job? Can I smash this jug and squish it in tight and the next person will have to take it out? Garbage can be on acres of farmland, where the farmer just can’t let go of old equipment and it fills the field with remnants of days gone by. It can be in our mind, the rotten sentence that plays over and over in your mind from a thoughtless outraged family member or friend. It can be in our own little corner of our room or fill a building. How do we throw it away and get over it? Some never do. They die with the garbage in their head and on their land. If it is physical the next recipient may clean it up. If it is in our mind, it will rot for life and we will take it with us into the hereafter. What will you do with your garbage? I have made a living by taking people’s garbage and reusing, remaking, and reselling it. I have learned that it is a state of mind. 

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The 5 Best Ways to Build Equity in Your Home – Pride of Ownership

  Getting married for the 2nd time and being a homeowner was an new experience. I had 3 acres of horse equipment that we accumulated for 20 years. My new husband was renting a large home and it was full of stuff that they had accumulated for 20 years. He said, “We will need to get a storage unit.” I said, ”I don’t believe in storage units. If we have too much stuff to put in our home we need to down size.”  We bought a $100 huge tarp and built a make due shed that would hold a semi with 2 trailers! It was sufficient in the harsh Idaho weather to keep out the wind, snow and rain for 18 months as we downsized and found the ideal home and location that we are now settled in. Together we were building our future and saving for a down payment on our home. Pride of ownership is the saying I have heard all my life and this phrase runs like blood through my veins. Building equity in a home is an important part in our future. Here are 5 ways that will help any homeowner build equity in their home

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