Happiness is a choice!

So Shall We be Like a Tree

I planted a tree

A tree that will last

It will last my lifetime

My children’s children will watch it grow

It will see changes

Changes in our home

Changes in me

Changes in our community

It sees the big picture

It will watch the  circle of life

Death, birth, the storms of life

It will stand through many seasons of life

Spring-Fall, summer winter

Stormes of life that will be unnoticed by the self-absorbed

But the tree will see

It will clean the air

Clean the soul

It will only give

It will give protection to the home from the elements of snow, wind, and will give shade.

It will bring the smell of pine from a wreath during the Holidays and welcome visitors

It will give pine tea to the sick

This tree will only give

So shall we be like a tree

Give new life

Give new breath

Give new perspective

and stand strong and beautiful when the storms of life engulf us

Stand firm and strong

Bend in the wind

Drink  up the rain and welcome the new day

Look up

Notice the sunshine