Happiness is a choice!

I Can Do It, You Can Too

“I want a man, whose children are all out of the house, well, maybe one little girl, and who is all about me and my boys!” I said to my friends as we sat around and talked about dating again after failing at the prior marriage. We all had our preferences of men. I was sure of myself. I had made a list of what I wanted and needed. If they didn’t make the cut, they were out. I had no time to waste on men that didn’t pass the cut.  I was determined that if I was going to marry, he would match my list perfectly. After another weekend going out with my friends to another singles dance, I was discouraged. “I am not going to find my match,” I said to myself. “I can be happy alone, I know I can, I am tired of dating and wasting my time. I need to focus on a career and a new life with my boys. “As I knelt down for my nightly prayers, I poured my heart out to God. “I am tired of heartache. Please take the desires of companionship away. Let my life be full of children,

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Garbage in Your life and In Your Brain

Why do people hang onto garbage? Why is taking the garbage out such an argument? Is it my job? Is it your job? Can I smash this jug and squish it in tight and the next person will have to take it out? Garbage can be on acres of farmland, where the farmer just can’t let go of old equipment and it fills the field with remnants of days gone by. It can be in our mind, the rotten sentence that plays over and over in your mind from a thoughtless outraged family member or friend. It can be in our own little corner of our room or fill a building. How do we throw it away and get over it? Some never do. They die with the garbage in their head and on their land. If it is physical the next recipient may clean it up. If it is in our mind, it will rot for life and we will take it with us into the hereafter. What will you do with your garbage? I have made a living by taking people’s garbage and reusing, remaking, and reselling it. I have learned that it is a state of mind. 

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Why every household should have a Medical Aloe Vera Plant in it

Carol Sevy I heard that aloe vera will make me beautiful! I want 10 plants please!I am going to emphasis on skin, hair, and air. Though there are many benefits of having an aloe vera plant in your home. In the article, “What are the benefits of aloe vera?” by Joe Leech he lists 8 benefits. Contains healthful plant compounds. … Antioxidant and antibacterial properties. … Accelerates the healing of burns. … Reduces dental plaque. … Helps treat canker sores. … Reduces constipation. … May improve skin and prevent wrinkles. … Lowers blood sugar levels. Julie Knapp in an article 5 house plants for improving indoor air quality aloe vera is on the list as an easy-to-grow, sun-loving succulent that helps clear formaldehyde and benzene, which can be a byproduct of chemical-based cleaners, hair products, perfumes and paints. Beyond its air-clearing abilities, the gel inside an aloe plant can help heal cuts and burns. Daniele Dresden in “Benefits of Aloe Vera for hair,” advocates of using aloe era for hair health. It is plentiful of vitamins, minerals, and other ingredients linked to hair growth. One of the earliest written mention of aloe Vera’s curative effects dates to 2100 BC. The benefits of

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Will I Ever be Enough?

Will I Ever be Enough? To some I will not It doesn’t matter what I do I will never be or do enough. Who am I to please?  If it is one, The other baulks It is not fair. They squawk There is one of me But to satisfy the needs One is not enough Never enough How do I find peace? When I will never be enough? This life is rough The one who bullies, That I am not enough. I cannot fill their bluff I need to load my enough For myself My enough is ample And plenty Because my brother Is enough, My Savior is enough And he can fill my enough and yours.

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Your life is a gift

I was on the trampoline looking at the stars. Tear streaked face. In the house I could hear 5 rowdy children, and one angry spouse. I looked up to heaven and asked, Heavenly Father are you really there? Do you hear and answer my every prayer? The words to a child’s song came to my mind, Your life is a gift, Your life has a plan, Your life has a purpose In heaven it began I felt  warm love in my chest. I am loved, he is aware, my God does care. As I have continued through this journey of life, there has been many mountains to climb. When I get to the top of one mountain, I seem to always find a larger summit facing me! If it is to be it is up to me. It is my responsibility to manage my emotions, get through hard so I can have a good life. I have tried many natural and medical remedies. There is a place for both. If I can do something natural than it is my preferred method. Tapping is a fairly new method that has helped me manage my emotions in a remarkable way. I use

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