Happiness is a choice!

Hope Lodge gave me,”Hope”

All my cancer treatments were a quick stay in Salt Lake City at Huntsman’s hospital and back home for the first while. I knew there where other people with cancer because I would see them for the day. But then I was back home to my own little world. This all changed when I was told that I needed to continue with 18 radiation treatments. My aunt said that she would drive me every day from Bountiful Utah and take care of me. It sounded so comfy and perfect. I was worried about being a burden, but she assured me that it would be fine. She came down with a terrible sickness right when it was time for me to go to radiation. We needed to make different arrangements. I was terrified. We were told about Hope Lodge that had just opened. I could stay there and they even had transportation for me to get back and for to the hospital. To tell you the truth, I was so afraid to take care of myself. My mind wasn’t as sharp and it seemed like such a big city for this bald headed girl, not comfortable with herself. My sweet husband

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I have a Passion for Real

I have a Passion for Real  Thank you mom and dad for teaching me what real is Because now I know I love real home made bread hand knitted items quilt’s  stitched with love warm chocolate chip cookies real work, real job, real people hand crafted pottery 925 silver 14 k gold and because of you I know real LOVE

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No regrets

I have always been a woman who prays.  I have had many answers to prayers. I believe in meditation, prayer and even looking at nature and asking questions. I have so many questions about my life. What I should be doing? Am I doing enough? What are the  activities I should be doing today? I am not sure why I am always questioning myself.  When I was a young mom I felt like I needed to earn more money. I felt like there was more month than money, month after month. Whenever I pleaded with God about my money trials, I always had the answer to practice music with my children. Through much creativity I was always able to pay for lessons. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that music was what my children needed. Through these life experience I ended up being a music teacher myself. One time our family was blessed with and all expense paid trip to Jackson Hole Wyoming, performing for 3 days and 2 nights with  and a little extra money to boot! My son Tex was 3 years old and learned to write his name by signing his name over and over

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The Big Picture, One Step Ahead

I remember standing in my crib and looking out the window and seeing the horses. My dad and uncle Paul owned them. Socks was my dad’s horse. They were beautiful and very  entertaining for a one year old girl. “Horse” was naturally my first word. That was a little disappointing for my mother, but none the less it was my father who had to have been proud that his curly blond little dolly loved horses. My dad has always liked fast things such as horse and motorcycles and me being a daddy’s girl, I did too. I remember climbing up the big barrow pit on my dad’s motorcycle and squealing with delight. Then he traded his motorcycle for a saddle and a young filly named, “Smokey.” It was the perfect name for this young 2 year old horse. She was dark smokey gray and when my dad kicked her in gear all you could see is smoke! I would ride behind him in the saddle and he would run like the wind and she could jump culverts and ditches in one stride. I wasn’t big enough, experienced enough or strong enough to ride her by myself so  I always had

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Puma Princess and the Mountain Lion

Mountain lions have always been a part of my life. I always believed my dad, Dee Cannon,  is a great hunter. When I was 5 years old he shot one of the largest mountain lions in the US.  My dad named him Tom and we grew up with stories of ,”Tom the big daddy mountain lion.” I got a call from my daughter who was camping one half hour from my home in Sugar City, Idaho at 9:45pm on August 12, 2016. She said Kelsi got attacked by a mountain lion and asked me to look up what time a Urgent Care office in Rexburg closed. What the… Who gets a call like that? After a troubled nights sleep, a few conversations with Kera, Gabe, my step son, and I headed  up the mountain to be with our family.  I started to think of sweet names for my grand daughter to make the mood brighter. Together we came up with, “Princess Puma” And so that is what she forever will be called. My little” Puma Princess.” When I got up there my grandkids and nieces and nephews came running to me and started telling me all about it. I wasn’t there when it

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35 more days until the last chemo treatment and it  is one of those days that I can only do what matters most. My to

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Bee Day

We got our chores done Dressed for the hunt, Sweatshirt, chacos, and comfy pants Red minivan Full tank of gas Shopping day here we come.

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