Happiness is a choice!

Hope Lodge gave me,”Hope”

All my cancer treatments were a quick stay in Salt Lake City at Huntsman’s hospital and back home for the first while. I knew there where other people with cancer because I would see them for the day. But then I was back home to my own little world. This all changed when I was told that I needed to continue with 18 radiation treatments. My aunt said that she would drive me every day from Bountiful Utah and take care of me. It sounded so comfy and perfect. I was worried about being a burden, but she assured me that it would be fine. She came down with a terrible sickness right when it was time for me to go to radiation. We needed to make different arrangements. I was terrified. We were told about Hope Lodge that had just opened. I could stay there and they even had transportation for me to get back and for to the hospital. To tell you the truth, I was so afraid to take care of myself. My mind wasn’t as sharp and it seemed like such a big city for this bald headed girl, not comfortable with herself. My sweet husband

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Yes! A Short Haircut Will Do

I just came across this in my documents, I wrote this 7-8-15. This is before I knew what kind of cancer experience I was going to have. The doctors believed that I wasn’t going to live more than a week. I went to the musical,”Cats” with my girlfriends at BYU-I, and Jim stayed home and called Huntsman’s Hospital and the made arrangements that saved my life. I am smiling to myself, the part that says, “A short haircut will do” I had no idea what that really meant. Yes, I am 52  years old, and a short haircut will do! I am alive and I am living life and loving it. Jim never changes, he is my rock, he is the mashed potatoes and I am the gravy!    The surgeon reads a very long CT scan report I feel dizzy and find it hard to breath There is nothing he can do There is a foreign growth around all my organs and I need them It is most likely cancer. Does this means a slow death or get well soon? The only way to get rid of it is to shrink it. I am tired, but I think I

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What is your Bald Headed Moment? How do you move from Hopeless to happy?

What is your Bald Headed Moment? How do you move from Hopeless to Happy? It was my first time out on my own, on this summer day.  I had a cute hat on my shiny bald head and was feeling a little sick from the chemo treatments, but I just had to get out. I felt like I had dealt with it well and decided to walk around downtown and go to my favorite store. All of a sudden I felt so embarrassed, I just looked at the ground. Maybe no one would notice that I was a skinhead under this hat. I saw her eyes, she was shocked, the little girl held tight to her mom’s hand. I love children and  I was scary to her. I looked down and tried to hide. The mom said a cheerful, “Hello, how are you today?” It took me out of my trance and I looked up. I smiled back and said, “Hello.” As I walked the next block, I decided that I would make this trip fast, it was odd, so not like myself, I was usually the one to smile and say hello first. As I entered the store there

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I. F. I was a duck

As everyone can tell, I love Idaho Falls. I know the “downtown” like the back of my hand. I have been on every trail around the green belt and look forward to all the new construction every year. I have lived in the vicinities of Idaho Falls my entire life. My husband works in downtown Idaho Falls and  I go with him often, just to do what I want. I like to explore new stores, new things around the Green Belt and just enjoy the wildlife and especially the ducks. I think of myself as a duck sometimes. When the troubles of the world try to overpower me and I feel like I am suffocating. I remember the first moment I felt my bald head. My tiny, shiny, bald head. I take the troubles that are in my head, wrap them up in a bald headed moment, because that is when I discovered bald headed moments, and make it into a drop of water. I throw it up in the air and let it hit the back of my neck, my chin, my back, it doesn’t matter. Because wherever it lands, it just rolls off and evaporates. I walk around the river,

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Boots and the Beauty of Bald Headed Moments

#I am a happy girl, #happiness is a choice. This is a cliché that we all know, but how is it a choice? How can you and I be happy when life happens? I was 44 years old when I married a long time friend and  the man I lovingly call my ,”Sexy beast husband” I knew the moment I kissed this man, my life was bigger than me, because together we have 14 children, 10 boys and 4 girls. But we only had 9 children at home when we tied the knot, 8 boys and one girl. I believe when you and I make a choice, big or small, it  is like a hot air balloon ride. We have some navigations but in reality we don’t know exactly where we will land. I can tell you from experience that my life every day, is exactly like several hot air balloon rides. Even at this moment I don’t where this message is going to land. I personally call these moments of uncertainty, floating in the air and wondering where I am going to land, Bald headed moments. I wish you all your own Bald Headed Moment. Why you ask? When I

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