Happiness is a choice!

What is your Bald Headed Moment? How do you move from Hopeless to happy?

What is your Bald Headed Moment? How do you move from Hopeless to Happy? It was my first time out on my own, on this summer day.  I had a cute hat on my shiny bald head and was feeling a little sick from the chemo treatments, but I just had to get out. I felt like I had dealt with it well and decided to walk around downtown and go to my favorite store. All of a sudden I felt so embarrassed, I just looked at the ground. Maybe no one would notice that I was a skinhead under this hat. I saw her eyes, she was shocked, the little girl held tight to her mom’s hand. I love children and  I was scary to her. I looked down and tried to hide. The mom said a cheerful, “Hello, how are you today?” It took me out of my trance and I looked up. I smiled back and said, “Hello.” As I walked the next block, I decided that I would make this trip fast, it was odd, so not like myself, I was usually the one to smile and say hello first. As I entered the store there

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I didn’t die from cancer, whats next?

When I think of an almost death situation, I think that it would change someone so dramatically that they would never be the same. This is true. But after chemo and radiation and facing death, right in your face several times, how does it change you? I can only talk for myself. When I first found out that I was facing cancer my first instinct was to quietly go through this experience, not tell anyone, and live my life normally. Hide out and quietly do this alone. I am pretty sure I would have died if I would have done this. Because: I was so sick I didn’t care if I died. So no one would have known when I needed help. I could look pretty normal for an hour at a time. So if I showed my face, with make-up, a wig, and a smile. People would probably not notice. If it wasn’t for people who were aware that I needed help I would have missed out on a sweet friend, laying by me on my bedside, asking questions and finding something that tasted good, and bringing it to me. My sweet husband is the best. He works far and

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Boots and the Beauty of Bald Headed Moments

#I am a happy girl, #happiness is a choice. This is a cliché that we all know, but how is it a choice? How can you and I be happy when life happens? I was 44 years old when I married a long time friend and  the man I lovingly call my ,”Sexy beast husband” I knew the moment I kissed this man, my life was bigger than me, because together we have 14 children, 10 boys and 4 girls. But we only had 9 children at home when we tied the knot, 8 boys and one girl. I believe when you and I make a choice, big or small, it  is like a hot air balloon ride. We have some navigations but in reality we don’t know exactly where we will land. I can tell you from experience that my life every day, is exactly like several hot air balloon rides. Even at this moment I don’t where this message is going to land. I personally call these moments of uncertainty, floating in the air and wondering where I am going to land, Bald headed moments. I wish you all your own Bald Headed Moment. Why you ask? When I

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The Big Picture, One Step Ahead

I remember standing in my crib and looking out the window and seeing the horses. My dad and uncle Paul owned them. Socks was my dad’s horse. They were beautiful and very  entertaining for a one year old girl. “Horse” was naturally my first word. That was a little disappointing for my mother, but none the less it was my father who had to have been proud that his curly blond little dolly loved horses. My dad has always liked fast things such as horse and motorcycles and me being a daddy’s girl, I did too. I remember climbing up the big barrow pit on my dad’s motorcycle and squealing with delight. Then he traded his motorcycle for a saddle and a young filly named, “Smokey.” It was the perfect name for this young 2 year old horse. She was dark smokey gray and when my dad kicked her in gear all you could see is smoke! I would ride behind him in the saddle and he would run like the wind and she could jump culverts and ditches in one stride. I wasn’t big enough, experienced enough or strong enough to ride her by myself so  I always had

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Puma Princess and the Mountain Lion

Mountain lions have always been a part of my life. I always believed my dad, Dee Cannon,  is a great hunter. When I was 5 years old he shot one of the largest mountain lions in the US.  My dad named him Tom and we grew up with stories of ,”Tom the big daddy mountain lion.” I got a call from my daughter who was camping one half hour from my home in Sugar City, Idaho at 9:45pm on August 12, 2016. She said Kelsi got attacked by a mountain lion and asked me to look up what time a Urgent Care office in Rexburg closed. What the… Who gets a call like that? After a troubled nights sleep, a few conversations with Kera, Gabe, my step son, and I headed  up the mountain to be with our family.  I started to think of sweet names for my grand daughter to make the mood brighter. Together we came up with, “Princess Puma” And so that is what she forever will be called. My little” Puma Princess.” When I got up there my grandkids and nieces and nephews came running to me and started telling me all about it. I wasn’t there when it

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