Happiness is a choice!

Come what may and love it

And now it is the waiting game… December 9 I will get a PET scan and December 10 I will visit with the Doctor. Then we will find out if I am cancer free. I am doing all I can do to be healthy this week. Feeling the effects of the RCHOP and looking forward to:

health – It will be so exciting to climb “R” mountain and feel like a mountain goat.

2015-11-17 16.30.34hair – I went to take my ponytail out of  my hat today, that was weird, I am ready to have hair on my head, eyelashes on my eyes, eyebrows and ok, I will have to shave my legs again.

hunger – My stomach and taste buds are not the same,  I took a bite of a brownie last night and I couldn’t taste it. That was weird.

hardy- I have always considered myself hardy and resilient. It is such a shock when I get into the car today after getting a few things done this morning and my heart was beating like I had done zumba extreme!

My life is still good,

Health– I made it this far! I still can function. I am healthy compared to so many. I took a 3 hour nap today! I am healing.

Hair- I have a few eyelashes and I bet they are going to come in dark and thick! My eyebrows are there enough that I can follow the line. Makeup is wonderful. What a blessing.

Hunger- I hardly crave sweets. I really like healthy food. This is good for my body and it makes it easier to eat well.

Hardy- I made it this far, I am hardy and I am looking forward to the future.

So after thinking this through,

Come what may and love it.