Happiness is a choice!

Compare and Contrast

I just finished several  life changing experiences. My mom died, I went through a divorce after 24 years of marriage, then I remarried a family friend with 9 children, (I had given birth to 5 children of my own), my new husband and I started a business together, then my 18 year old son died from influenza, and  then I had stage 4 cancer and survived. Well, I am alive and somehow I am still writing on my blog “I am a happy girl.” I am 52 years old and I made it, so what else can this girl do? We now have 2 children at home and this gal has an opportunity to change the world. I need money to change the world. My goal for 2017 is to create $100,000 for myself and my husband. He deserves someone to take some of the pressure off of him. I have several ideas, I won’t tell you about all of them, but I am doing lots of good stuff.  First, why not see if this 52 year old grandma is still hirable? So in September of 2016 I applied to be a tutor for Boxfish education. It was more of an experiment

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Are you prideful in your poverty?

I turned to the Old Testament in the King James version of the bible for some answers to this question. “Have I been  you prideful in my poverty?” The answer is YES, I have. Proverbs 11:2 When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom. I didn’t realize that I was prideful in my poverty. Then it hit me. I looked down on others or shamed them in my mind, or hinted to them, on how they spent money , or how I believed, they had wasted their money. Vacations and trips, was one of my ideas of wastefulness, but probably the biggest one for me was wasting money on worthless food. I prided myself that my family would eat fresh ground pancakes almost every day and for the fraction of the cost of cold cereal. I figured out that I could make homemade bread for $.15 a loaf. I canned, cooked from scratch and fed my family of 7 on a very tight budget. Now you are saying what is wrong with that? As the saying goes “rice and beans, beans and rice” that is the way to get out of debt. Nothing is wrong with cutting the cost

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If you hate your job you shouldn’t be an entrepreneur

What??? But everyone wants the life of working on their own terms. Being their own boss, living the life of luxury, sleeping until 10am, wearing your pajamas all day, working from the beach and traveling? Have you heard the phrase, “The grass is always greener on the other side” How about one my dad always said to new home owners, “The pride of ownership.” Here are some lessons I have learned from being an entrepreneur pretty much all my life. I am 52 years old and so I have had a few experiences. – Work your day job. If you are working at McDonalds, think of it as if it is your store. What would you do different? How would you run it if you owned it? Maybe it has a program to help you get you more education for what you are dreaming about? Work your job and then work every second you can at what you are really wanting to do. When you are making more money at the entrepreneurial dream job, then quit the job you really don’t like. When you are doing your entrepreneurial job there will be ups and downs. There will be times that

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The Big Picture, One Step Ahead

I remember standing in my crib and looking out the window and seeing the horses. My dad and uncle Paul owned them. Socks was my dad’s horse. They were beautiful and very  entertaining for a one year old girl. “Horse” was naturally my first word. That was a little disappointing for my mother, but none the less it was my father who had to have been proud that his curly blond little dolly loved horses. My dad has always liked fast things such as horse and motorcycles and me being a daddy’s girl, I did too. I remember climbing up the big barrow pit on my dad’s motorcycle and squealing with delight. Then he traded his motorcycle for a saddle and a young filly named, “Smokey.” It was the perfect name for this young 2 year old horse. She was dark smokey gray and when my dad kicked her in gear all you could see is smoke! I would ride behind him in the saddle and he would run like the wind and she could jump culverts and ditches in one stride. I wasn’t big enough, experienced enough or strong enough to ride her by myself so  I always had

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Open the Door

I just heard this story at a “Master Your Influence” training and I instantly  messaged my friend and told her they were talking about us! There was  a mom and daughter selling chocolate cakes to the neighborhood to earn money for the daughter. They knocked on the door to a willing buyer. The buyer sneaked a $100 bill in the middle of 9 $1 bills when he payed for the $10 cake. He quickly shut the door and turned off the light hoping that they would leave and later find the money and  be grateful. It didn’t work out that way. The mom looked at the money closely and started knocking on the door wildly. The buyer did his best to convince the seller to take the money. The seller just couldn’t justify selling a $10 cake for $100. It didn’t feel honest, it felt like charity and so on. Eventually the buyer explained that he wanted to give this gift. They had a goal to earn $100 and it just happened sooner than expected. At this same training we all had the opportunity to put a “Vision Board Entry” on a big wall at the training event. The instructions said; Write

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