Happiness is a choice!

To the Love of my Life, Jim

We won We never gave up. We saw the vision And we worked Consistently for years and years Our reward is invisible to many We are not flashy We are not the leaders on stage We sit in the back We hold each other’s hands as tears run down our face We wonder why we did not reach our goals OR have we We have us, health, breath, more than we would have We plant seeds and they are slow-growing We may not see the reward in our lives But the seeds are in the ground as deep roots We have what we need. Much more than we had. We have been blessed. We may never advance on stage again, But someone we introduced will change the world Because we never gave up We keep on keeping on Because we do, a legacy is born We are the messenger and others have the decision to listen Some will, some won’t, so what? Their life will change or won’t Some will have more and be more Because we never gave up We are the little man We changed our own life in a big way To the world, it seems small

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Work From Home and Pumpkin Pie

It is a blessing to have a business from our home. I always knew that I wanted to do something from the comforts of my home where I could still be mom, wife, friend, and grandma. The freedom for me is unsurpassable. I have taken many paths on this journey of being my own boss. For example, I spent my morning reading for a college class final, (of course I would go to college from home too) posted some items on eBay, went to a friend’s baby shower, came home and packaged and filled my mailbox with packages.  Then had the craving for pumpkin pies and whipped a couple of them up. While they were cooking I finished my book and did my book report. That is why I am an entrepreneur. I want to work for myself, be my own boss, and fit in as many fun things as possible.    This is my kind of lifestyle. It is important for me to make this business last for my lifetime and hopefully handed down to my children. I have a burning desire to be self-sufficient. The platforms I sell on are eBay, Amazon and Facebook Marketplace. I am honorable.

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The Buzz of Selling on line. What this Bee has Learned

Once a Bonneville Bee always a Bonneville Bee, with that being said. My personal mentor is Suzanne A. Wells and we only converse over email, YouTube messages, Facebook Messenger. Because of many commitments, I am not quite ready to move to the next level with her mentorship. She is the real deal. In the future, I will connect into her paid system l. For now, I am learning from her free content.  She has hundreds of YouTube videos that she uses for teaching tools. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=suzanne+wells+ She has taught me to ship internationally. I was very fearful to try this and with her mentorship, I was able to jump into a new world of shipping all over the world. I learned to adjust my posts to get better results. I would always set a price and she taught me to negotiate. She feels that it is her calling to help people with eBay and be successful. She interviews people that are sellers. She shares this with the public. I have learned to buy specialty items that are low cost to sell and a high profit. She has a Monday video that people share items that they sold over $100. This is great to

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Will You Deliver? Wanna be an entrepreneur? ask yourself this question.

“It is more work listening to you make excuses than doing it myself.”  These are the words going through my mind. In the article “Message to Garcia, Will You Deliver?’ A World of Underachievers: The Curse of the Average Organization” Have you ever asked an employ or even a child to do a task and it is easier to do it yourself than go through the” hoops” to get them to do it?   “You, reader, put this matter to a test: You are sitting in your office—six clerks within call. Summon any one and make this request: ‘Please look in the encyclopedia and make a brief memorandum for me concerning the life of Correggio.’ Will the clerk quietly says, ‘Yes sir’ and go do the task? In your life, he will not. He will look at you out of a fishy eye and ask one or more of the following questions: Who was he? Which encyclopedia? Where is the encyclopedia? The ability to execute is more valuable than education or talent because it is far rarer. Was I hired for that? Don’t you mean Bismarck? What’s the matter with Charlie doing it? Is he dead? Is there any hurry?

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What are you good at? What should you hire out?

Being the intense and practical person that I am seeking help with my business is only after much effort on my own part. After and year of working hard and still being behind the realization came that I need to hire someone to do the things I am slow at. To make things more efficient. If we look at the end goal of success we need to Increase the number of customers. Increase the frequency of purchases Increase average order. – David Carrington Spending hours on a spreadsheet that someone else can do in half the time, is a clear indication that this is something that needs hiring out. It seems that my personal inspirations come in the morning hours as I wake up. I had the thought that I needed a personal assistant. I thought, “That is funny, why would I need that. “ The thought lingered. Sure, enough a stepdaughter that is proficient in what I am not needed a job. She started at 4 hours a week and now it at 10 hours a week.             The law of the thirds comes in many forms. Three truths and a lie team building game the third statement is

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