-a bald-headed moment is when you are suddenly vulnerable or taken by surprise and you turn it around into bettering yourself.

From the age of 10 years old, I knew I was a strong swimmer. I could jump off a high dive, bridge and be confident that I could swim to the side.
It was a humbling experience and hard to believe that I was no longer that girl. This was a new normal for me. I could walk, talk and take care of myself. But I was unable to hike, swim and be the active person I have been my entire life.
Because of this I started putting limitations on myself and felt like this was a reasonable limitation, even after 2 years of recovery.
Here is an example;
I have been a piano teacher for 20 years and played throughout my childhood. After chemo and radiation, my fingers started locking up. My right hand is swollen and sore. When I was
asked if I could accompaniment a musical number in sacrament meeting I replied that I had retired. I have played simple songs with my grandchildren, though I have to admit that put that talent on the shelf.
When we went to our 1st gathering for Pathways, the missionaries asked me if I could play the piano. How ironic, I am the only pianist in the group. Reluctantly I played the hymn on the piano, it wasn’t too bad. My hand is stiff and sore, but it is getting better! I am practicing and retaining the talent that I have left on the shelf to wither and die. I realize that I can still teach and serve. D&C 6:36 states, Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not. As stated in the lesson this week,”The power we access by acting in faith that is focused on the Savior allows us to exceed our natural limits and learn beyond our natural capabilities.”
I doubted that I would ever be able to play the piano again, but I can and I will.
I had to take action and with that action came power. It isn’t wise for me to jump off the bridge into the roaring water anymore, or maybe ever. But I can push myself to be better in other ways.
To tell you the truth I have had several, “ah-ha moments ” with starting pathways college program. The reality that this is “real” college work. That I am on my 2nd chance of living, and so I am doing all I can to better myself.
I am very slowly getting stronger physically. It has been very frustrating, humbling and I have been downright mad! My body needs tender loving care!
I have chosen to push my mind even harder, along with balancing and increasing my physical strength and keeping healthy. If I push myself too hard I frankly get sick. This balance is a new experience.
Yes, this happy girl has started college. Why not? It is a new adventure and something I have never done. “Real” college, “real” doing her own work!
I really wanted to do a bikini contest, but this will do!