Happiness is a choice!

Who needs eyebrows?


Today was the first time I have ever really colored in my eyebrows. This is going to take some getting use to. But I am resilient and move through obstacles fast. Today I was able to do a little more and drove my car across town. I am feeling better every day and 34 days until I get to hit the gong sounds very doable.


I heard someone hit the gong last time I was at Huntsmans Cancer Institute in the infusion center and I was so happy for them. It is easier for me to count the days until I hit the gong, than for me to think about the treatments and sickness that come with them. I am feeling pretty confident that I will be cancer free in 34 days. It is very scary to think of going through all this again. So many people have, and I feel for them. There are so many champion’s in this world. I feel like it will take me a lifetime to become one.


2015-10-09 11.48.14I believe that my body is just going to continue. This is one of my “sharpening the tool” phases. We go through trials and they can make us or break us. This is an obstacle to help make me a better person, to be more compassionate,  to love  unconditionally , to be more forgiving and to have a purpose in life. I believe the Lord will  guide me through these experiences.