I am open to new ideas.
We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth. (Articles of Faith, Pearl of Great Price, #7)
When I memorized this Article of Faith of my church, I was a young girl. I learned and experienced at a very young age that one of the gifts of the Spirit is to be able to be healed. When we are sick, we can be healed by the power of God. I witnessed this over and over as a child, because of my mother’s rollercoaster health while she was in and out of the hospital. She had diabetes and other health problems. We thought that she was going to die and leave us 4 children as orphans many, many times as I was growing up. She was miraculously healed over and over and was able to see all her children get married and start their families.
Another gift of the Spirit is when a missionary is sent to a foreign land and is able to quickly learn and understand a new language. I have witnessed this as one of my son’s was called to Paraguay and learned several languages and was fluent in both speaking and writing in those languages.
We are blessed to have a prophet who has the gift of revelation from Heavenly Father. I sustain the prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. All of them in the past, present and future.
I have been using herbs, vitamins, and essential oils to heal since 1988. I was able to heal myself and my children for many years and very seldom went to the doctor. I also believe in going to the conventional doctor when needed. It has become a balancing act for me along with trial and error. At one time I believed that if I was faced with cancer I would go the natural way, no way would I ever have chemo (I have a different position now that I have had my cancer experience and that I am now in remission.)
I had 3 of my children at home with a midwife and went through labor and delivery totally natural. I believed that because I have a strong constitution, and have been healthy and strong all my life, I eat on the healthy side of things, and I have a great attitude, I would live a long life of health.
One time I almost died from a kidney infection because I waited too long to go to the doctor. I kept testing with my fingers, with kinesiology, and calling my healer. I did this for 3 days. When I went to the Doctor he was shocked at how far down hill I had gone in 3 days. He was confused at why I had waited so long.
I had faith I would be healed, I was using herbs oils and vitamins. I had a priesthood blessing. Obviously I needed more even though I wanted to be healed without going to the doctor. I asked myself, “For pete’s sakes, I had a baby at home, why couldn’t I be healed from this?” Now looking back, I am sure that I would have died if I hadn’t gone to the doctor. My body was giving up. I am a tough and stubborn woman. I had to humble myself to admit that I couldn’t do it alone. I needed modern medicine.
99% of the time I am able to cure myself and my children naturally. But over the last 25 years I did take them to the doctor a total of 5 or 6 times because our bodies just weren’t able to heal on their own.
I had a special friend who helped deliver one of my children at home. She was so consumed with kinesiology that she would test to see when to eat. She got cancer and died. She waited too long to go to the doctor.
I was having stomach aches and just didn’t have the energy I was use to having. I could feel a growth in my stomach and others couldn’t feel it for quite some time. When it was noticeably visible and anyone could feel it, then things started happening. I had a CAT scan and all I knew is that is was most likely cancer and it was bad.
The doctors assumed that it was either ovarian cancer or lymphoma. I had no idea what one would be more hopeful. Many healers came to me. One is a friends sister that seemed very reputable. I had known the family for years and their dad was a known energy healer. She tested for me with a pendulum over the phone. She was sure that it was ovarian cancer. She told me what the growths were and went into great detail. She encouraged me not to have chemo and to go with natural healing methods. When I picked up the results from the biopsy a few days later it was completely different than what she had predicted. Her daughter had died of ovarian cancer.
I was diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma Non-Hodgkins Diffuse Large B Cell cancer in July 2015. When my family doctor saw the CAT scan results he and his nurse believed that I only had a week to live, but they didn’t tell me this until after I as cured. While we were deciding what to do with this situation we went to many doctors. I felt like they all were very gloomy and believed that I would die very soon. My heart, neck and throat, stomach and all major organs were very squished with this fast growing cancer. My bowels, bladder, lower back pelvic area were also full of tumors, down my legs all they way to my ankles. The biggest tumor was 17 cm in my stomach and was visible and looked and felt like a baby. I felt 11 months pregnant and my throat was closing off fast.
It is a odd feeling to know that I was close to death, but I wasn’t in pain, unless I over exerted myself or got into hot water. I started using essential oils right away and throughout my treatment. Fast forward 1 year later, after 6 strong RCHOP chemo treatments and 18 radiation treatments to my stomach I am cancer free. I used natural remedies throughout the whole experience and was defiantly able to cut my medicine down. In fact I went from five prescriptions to just one for most of the time. I felt so much better using oils than the medications I was prescribed. I was not addicted to the oils, but going off lorazepam was literally hell.
I am so grateful for the knowledge from healers to be able to use vitamins, herbs and essential oils. I am sure, without a shadow of a doubt, that I would have died if I hadn’t gone with the RCHOP treatment. The natural remedies prolonged my life and made me stronger to endure this procedure. I was blessed that the RCHOP was exactly what I needed and my body reacted perfectly to it.
I did wonder if the RCHOP would kill me after the 5 treatment. But I studied more and increased my multi vitamins and vitamin B’s, omega-3’s and echinacea. My numbers were actually better after my sixth treatment. After RCHOP I was able to take as many supplements as I
wanted throughout radiation. I could tell a big difference after starting my supplements and vitamins. Because of my supplements and listening to my body I am doing so much better than many of my friends and associates that went through cancer treatments with me.
It is unsettling to see good people help good people and then can’t save themselves. I have experienced myself going from hardly moving because of back pain, to full movement with a massage and energy healing in one hour. I have been throwing up uncontrollably for 24 hours, passing out, and having diarrhea. Then I receive a priesthood blessing and I fell asleep and instantly stopped vomiting and was healed.
Is there a fast hard rule on choosing energy healing or conventional doctors? All I can say is that I have been meditating, studying, observing and experiencing these ideas for almost 30 years.
I have a personal coach who is an energy healer. She has helped me understand some of these questions. Prayer is my first go to. With prayer, I also meditate and study my scriptures, these all go hand in hand. That includes priesthood blessings, which are to be used for healing in every way. I try not to use kinesiology at all. I believe I have a really good brain, a tender heart and I have faith and trust my decisions. I can read labels and do my own study on what to eat, drink, put on my skin, what to wash my cloths with, what to clean my house with. I pray every day and ask for guidance in all of these areas and more. I can feel in my heart when I make a choice that is pleasing to the Lord. I can feel what is best for me and my family. My inner-self knows and I am always doing what I can to tap into it. Click here for information on the supplements that I attribute my health and well being to.
I counseled with my oncologists on using natural remedies and followed their guidelines while going through RCHOP and radiation.
I finally went to a dietician when all the fad diets were no longer working and what do you know? She knows what she is talking about! Click here to learn more.
I go to a physical therapist for back pain. It is getting more under control. I am getting stronger and even made a video so others could benefit. Click here and go ahead follow along with the video.
I researched the bladder issues I was having and came up with interstitial cystitis. I presented it to the my doctor after having UTI’s over and over for months. Then hand picked a urologist that knows new alternatives to healing. He was right on and gave me alternative ideas for the bladder issues. The urologist suggested a food list to help with overactive bladder and it helped instantly. Click here to see the food list. He also recommended a physical therapist for my bladder incontinence. It looks as though I will be able to heal myself with the help of physical therapy and avoid surgery on my bladder. To me that is a miracle in itself!
Well meaning people trying to get others to use their special product, some of which are good and some that are way overpriced. I do not believe Walmart and Target has everything my family needs. There are alternative products that we can use that won’t break the bank. I am open to new ideas and unconventional products.
Recently I met a self pronounced “Healer”. She created an herbal ‘release salve’. On the label it says that it is a special formula designed to release negative energy. She believes in her salve whole heartedly. (she sells it for $20 for a 2 fl oz jar.) I look at the ingredients and it has many essential oils in it and the base is castor oil. It definitely could help you feel better with the oils of juniper berries, gotu kola, peppermint leaf, and orange. I gave it a try and used it every day for 2 weeks. It did not fix my hand like I had hoped, but it felt good and made it soft. My mind says that negative energy needs to be released within your own heart, not a creme that you rub on your body. If you believe it works there is no judgment here. I will spend my money elsewhere.
I have experienced that feelings can play too much into testing with kinesiology. Your heart knows. Believe in your own instincts. Believe in yourself. We are all greater than we can imagine.
We can learn from each other. I am always finding ways to improve my health, mind and spirit. There is a wealth of knowledge out there. There is more than one way. Be smart and teachable, you can learn something from every person you meet, every book you read. It can be to be more like them or less like them. The choice is yours, you know yourself better than anyone else.