Happiness is a choice!

Going back to Huntsmans after Christmas

I have made it through 6 treatments of chemo (RCHOP), and the sickness and health issues that comes with that. My doctor here in Idaho is very pleased with my progress and his nurse told me that after seeing the CAT scan, back in July, they believed then that I only had a week left to live. I had a 17 cm mass in my stomach and small masses from my neck to my legs. Through much study and prayer we decided to go to Huntsmans Cancer Institute in Utah for my treatment.huntsman

This has been a very positive experience. Now the chemo is over and I am feeling much better, we found through a pet scan that the mass in my stomach is still alive and growing. When we started this process  I was on the scale of 25 and they usually start chemo at 10, the mass is now a 5. We know the chemo worked very well, but we just need to mop it up with radiation.

I was not expecting this, in my mind I would be done and go on with my happy life. Apparently I have more to learn with this cancer experience. One of those things is this,  you can have the best attitude, do everything in your power to have a certain outcome and I am  still not in charge. My job and choice  is to endure  and to endure well.

It is urgent that we start radiation asap, so we will enjoy Christmas holiday, and then Monday the 28 we will head back to Salt Lake for my 1st of 18 treatments, 5 days a week.  I have two aunts that I am very close to that live within and hour of Salt Lake  that can help take care of me, if needs be.  I will be staying at Hopes Lodge during the week and making my way back to Idaho on the weekends, or Jim will come stay with me. Whatever works out best for all.

This has put a lot of pressure on Jim

Screenshot_2015-12-20-19-23-53I am so grateful that he is my companion. He truly is an amazing support and helpmate.

Last Thursday I met up with the doctor and they put me in the machine for radiation, made a cast of the back of my body waist up, with my hands over my head and gave me 5 little tattoos on my stomach, to prepare me for radiation treatments. If you have never had a tattoo they use needles and dye, mine are only the size of a freckle and they hurt! Also my hands were over the top of my head in a cast so I couldn’t move while they tortured me! And I had a really bad itch on my forehead. 2015-12-22 12.49.03Jim is always by my side, as you can see…sometimes I think that it is harder on him than on me.

Thank goodness for grandkids that make everything better! 20151221_190105

5 thoughts on “Going back to Huntsmans after Christmas”

  1. Hi Carol, This is Anne Mecham Gregerson, Jill Nebeker’s sister. You are so inspiring to me. Thank you for sharing your faith and positive attitude. Today’s RS lesson was on enduring well. What an example of that you are! I had breast cancer a couple of years ago and have five little tattoo dots for radiation as well. Hang in there! I live in Provo, not far from SLC at all. Feel free to call me for anything you need during your stay. Our sister, Laurie, lives in SLC.

    1. Ahh! I think you and Laurie, and Jill should come visit me and sing me one of your songs you made up! Jill still knows them and they make me laugh, ya, really laugh! Thank you for your love and support. I am so much better off than so many others. It is a big blessing.

  2. Love you Carol and Jim and your attitude at such a trying time. You are great examples of enduring well. You are right, no matter what we do, we are not in charge! What we can do is what you are doing – endure well! Thanks for your example!!!

    1. Thank you Kenda, and you have been an example for me for many years. Thank you for loving me! We all need an aunt Kenda:)

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