Happiness is a choice!

Do you believe in yourself?


When  I was about 9 or 10 years old, I became obsessed with the olympics. I wondered to myself, “Which olympic event I should compete in?” I was so good at everything.1 

This makes me smile, that I had so much confidence. One problem that I believe many people have, is that they don’t believe in themselves. How does this happen? How did I lose confidence in myself when I had so much confidence as a child?

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There was a classroom setting with christian students. The question was asked “Who desires to go live with Heavenly Father again?” Every hand went up and then the next question was asked,”Who has the confidence you’ll succeed?” Very sadly and surprisingly, most hands went down.

The answer is that we can’t do it alone. We need the Savior and his atonement. As I visit with others about their cancer experience, I find that the common ground is depression and frustration. We can not do it alone.

Sometimes I open the pantry and there is food in it, but it is too much work, so I just walk away. I remember visiting my grandmother and I asked her what she was wanting to do. She said she had got out 2 eggs several times to make cookies, but then she decided it was to much work and she put them away. I am so grateful that day I had the energy to get out those eggs and whip up the raisin cookies with my grandmother. She did have the energy to tell me how to do it!



What I am learning is to let people help, to do things that uplift, to trust in God and to hold onto that feeling that everything is going to be alright.