Happiness is a choice!

#5 RCHOP treatment

20151022_132046This was probably the smoothest treatment so far. Everything seemed to go like clock work. I have had a harder time recovering and that is to be expected. It is so nice to have support from friends and family in Utah when we go to the Huntsman’s Cancer Center.    Johanna, Jim’s daughter came and visited.

20151022_131731(0)Also a good friend from high school Debbie Woodbury Merrill.

I am so blessed to be showered with gifts and food. Debbie brought a gift from “Forget Me Not”  it is a bag full of helpful things! 20151023_085049Many things I didn’t even know I wanted and now I love it! This was a very thoughtful gift from people who know what chemo patients need.


2015-10-27 14.22.43I had my favorite taxi driver, who was fearless and loyal.

2015-10-27 14.21.44I wore my favorite cowboy boots to give me a extra kick, and a my brave girl necklace. 2015-10-22 08.22.37

As of today we have 16 more days until the I get to hit the gong and heal up and move on!
