To me, my grandmothers were a little bit parent, a little bit teacher and a little bit best friend. I was very close to both of them. I feel a closeness to them in many different instances. My grandma Nielsen sent me notes with a $25 check every month for our missionaries. This she did for all her grandchildren including my step children. We looked forward to the notes every month and I saved them.
Grandma Lawana Nielsen was a lover of missionaries. She and my grandfather went on 2 service missions for our church. One in Alabama and one in Salt Lake City. She was so enthusiastic about missionary work she had a big world map and names and strings attached to show where all her missionaries went on their service mission. If you were related, by blood or marriage, and you went on a mission for The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints you were on her board. Also she wanted a picture for her fridge on the current missionaries. She could have 5 missionaries at a time, grandchildren or great grandchildren and they would get $25 and a note every month.
I know my grandmothers worried, they both had large families, 8 and 9 children, but they had faith in God and anticipated that whatever the outcome, it will be for their good.
I will lean on their faith that all will be for my own good.

And you are passing that same faith lesson on to me and my family. You are cherished just as Grandma Nielsen is cherished.
Patrese that is such a wonderful thing you said! You are such a good mom, wife, daughter and cousin.