Alternative Healing
I am open to new ideas. We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth. (Articles of Faith, Pearl of Great Price, #7) When I memorized this Article of Faith of my church, I was a young girl. I learned and experienced at a very young age that one of the gifts of the Spirit is to be able to be healed. When we are sick, we can be healed by the power of God. I witnessed this over and over as a child, because of my mother’s rollercoaster health while she was in and out of the hospital. She had diabetes and other health problems. We thought that she was going to die and leave us 4 children as orphans many, many times as I was growing up. She was miraculously healed over and over and was able to see all her children get married and start their families. Another gift of the Spirit is when a missionary is sent to a foreign land and is able to quickly learn and understand a new language. I have witnessed this as one of my son’s was called to Paraguay and learned several languages and