Happiness is a choice!

Alternative Healing

I am open to new ideas. We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth. (Articles of Faith, Pearl of Great Price, #7) When I memorized this Article of Faith of my church, I was a young girl. I learned and experienced at a very young  age that one of the gifts of the Spirit is to be able to be healed. When we are sick, we can be healed by the power of God. I witnessed this over and over as a child, because of  my mother’s rollercoaster health while she was in and out of the hospital. She had diabetes and other health problems. We thought that she was going to die and  leave us 4 children as orphans many, many times as I was growing up. She was miraculously healed over and over and was able to see all her children get married and start their families. Another gift of the Spirit is when a missionary is sent to a foreign land and is able to quickly learn and understand a new language. I have witnessed this as one of my son’s was called to Paraguay and learned several languages and

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From Food Prison to Food Paradise

I did it, I went to a dietician. I couldn’t take it any more.  I have been about 50 lbs. overweight for the last 30 years of my life. A couple of times I lost a significant amount of weight… like, “I am pregnant diet” and threw up for 9 months and then gained it back while nursing, then get pregnant again, and the cycle continued for 5 children.  Then there was the “getting divorced diet.”  That was the high caffeine diet with peanut M&M’s. We can’t forget the  “I have Cancer diet” where under the influence of chemo, I threw up everything I ate. But as soon as I started eating regular, the weight came back. Oh ya, there was the low fat diet, the low carb diet, and several times the 1200 calorie diet. I also exercised for up to 3 hours a day for 3 months and still hardly lost a pound. I did the 5:2 diet perfectly and was within .2 oz after 5 weeks! As I visit with others around my age group they are getting the same results, no results. I was told that after chemo I would probably gain weight. I was determined

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Happy Core Strengthening!

This is a little embarrassing. I thought with this cancer experience I would be down about 50 pounds by now. That is not the case. I am alive and curvy! That is ok. I am still a happy girl, yes a chubby happy girl. I started physical therapy and  I just couldn’t believe how much better I feel! I have been an exercise girl all my life. I was very surprised the muscles I didn’t realize I even had. I just want to share. If you can lay on your back, you can do this. I honestly just want to share and if I can help someone feel better that would be worth the embarrassment! I hope that this video will help you feel better and improve your view on life and your health and strength. Happy Core strengthening!  

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I want to play! I am alive!

  Why isn’t it morning? Everyone is still asleep! I want to play!! I am alive!   I was saved from the cancer beast! I want to shout from my balcony God loves you! You have great worth! You are more than you ever imagined! God lives!!   But with my joy, there is sadness. I want all of my friends to have the same outcome, I want all cancer to be cured.     All illness to be taken away. I want them to win as I have.   So with this joy is heartbreak. Sadness for the one’s who don’t win. Guilt for winning, when others lose, this battle of cancer. This battle of life.   With our Brother we all win. If we live today or die tomorrow,       We all win. All of our tomorrows are with Him.   If it is today or in the future, We will always be friends. We will all meet in the same place. With Him.

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I Will Not Stand in Your Way

I Will not Stand in YOUR Way I don’t know how you feel Not completely Because your life experiences Are yours Mine are mine We can support each other Cheer each other on Pray for one another And even cry for others You are you I am me My path is mine Yours is yours We fought for our free will before we came to earth That is what we all fight for here on earth To be in charge of our own life Even when we are not I pray for you Send you love Forgive you Even when you try to destroy me I set you free I judge you not I haven’t walked your path Nor you mine There is room in this world For us all to have what we value most So “love me or hate me It mattereth not” I am fighting my own battles Just as you are yours Because your path is yours Go fight your own battle I will not stand in your way Of your happiness or your misery

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