Happiness is a choice!

I have a new hobby, Succulents

I have a new hobby! Succulents and cacti! I call them my new,’girls’. Jim wanted to give me a succulent garden for Christmas.

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It is a lot bigger than and intense than he ever imagined. I have had a blast. It is now my new hobby. I call them my ,’girls’ because they are so beautiful and I am really out numbered at this house, I need a little more girl influence around here.

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I thought this was a “grandma” hobby, because it was my mom’s hobby. She would collect cacti from all over the country. When we were on vacation she was always on the look out. We had a cactus garden in the house ad a huge one outside. I kinda thought she was out of her mind because she would get stickers in her fingers and they would get all infected. We didn’t play close to the big garden outside or the one inside, because if you fell into it, you were in pain. ( I am thinking that was part of her strategy)

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After going to the Palm Paradise in Utah, those boys know what they are doing and I love it. This hobby isn’t for just grandmas. I learned a lot from that store and bought a few new succulents from them.

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This is just the beginning of my new hobby, but I will need a green house to start planting the orange tree!

We went all over to second hand stores to get unique containers. I just love my new ,’girls’

My husband knew just what I needed. He has good ideas.


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