Being the intense and practical person that I am seeking help with my business is only after much effort on my own part. After and year of working hard and still being behind the realization came that I need to hire someone to do the things I am slow at. To make things more efficient. If we look at the end goal of success we need to
- Increase the number of customers.
- Increase the frequency of purchases
- Increase average order.
– David Carrington
Spending hours on a spreadsheet that someone else can do in half the time, is a clear indication that this is something that needs hiring out. It seems that my personal inspirations come in the morning hours as I wake up. I had the thought that I needed a personal assistant. I thought, “That is funny, why would I need that. “ The thought lingered. Sure, enough a stepdaughter that is proficient in what I am not needed a job. She started at 4 hours a week and now it at 10 hours a week.
The law of the thirds comes in many forms. Three truths and a lie team building game the third statement is usually the lie. It is the same process when coming up with ideas. The third idea is usually the one that works. As we organized, filed and sorted we found this to be true. We are working together for the ultimate goal of increasing income for both of us.

I started out as a solo, self-confident, determined entrepreneur and have come to the realization that support and guidance from family is a good thing. My husband has started helping me with the books and preparing for taxes. Now I can do what I do best. Consistently execute my brand. I am a happy girl shop, where happiness is a choice and we make that choice easier.