This morning I had some extremely scary bad moments. My one-year-old granddaughter got locked into my bedroom. I didn’t have a key. Luckily, she was asleep and was not aware of my panic. Let’s just say when I couldn’t find the key I was panicky and when Grandma is panicky granddaughter is hysterical. I knew this was not going to help. I looked at the big sister of 3 years old and said we should say a prayer. Bless her heart, she was on it in a heartbeat. I take a big breath and said OK we have a great adventure we are going to do amazing hard things today. We did, we stomped through the snow, took the screen out of the bedroom door and we climbed sister climbed in and unlocked the door! For an instant, I was destined to have a bad day. It ended up being a few short moments of bad. Thankfully to a granddaughter that knows that she can do hard things, we are smart brave women!
Someone gave me a book called 365 reasons for smiling in thought and pictures. It is by White Star Publishers. As I look for this book I realized that I never want to give a full day to a bad day. Who wants to block out 24 hours of living HELL? We all will always have bad moments. We all have bad moments and maybe 23.99 hours of the day was bad. But if we can make it a little shorter, we can all be a little bit happier.

A smile, deep breath, a prayer, and a little girl can change the situation. This could have been devastating we turned it around into a great adventure and only had a moment of a good day.