We all want to feel important. We all don’t feel important at times. This song sung by Kristin Chenoweth has made an impact on me. It starts
You will notice me
I’ll be leaving my mark
Like initial carved in an old oak tree
Just wait and see.
There have been times in my life that I felt that I didn’t matter. When I start looking at the blessing around me I can not deny. The little ones coming into the world have some of my characteristics. My grandchildren, nieces and nephews, and yes, the ones that are not blood-related come with some of me too!

My grandchildren know that grandma is going to college. One of my oldest grandsons said, “That is weird grandma.” I agree it is strange and different. I know that they will remember this. That their grandma was learning when her hair was grey.
I hire some of my grandchildren to work for me. They pull off stickers of items that I am selling. I have them fill their bags up with stickers so I can tell who worked. They feel important. They are making a difference.

I wanna do something that matters
Say something different
Something that sets the whole world on its ear
I wanna do something better
With the time I was given
I know that I will do more tha just pass through this life
And leave nothingless that somethin that says
I was here

I was here

I was here

These babies remind me that I was here. That I matter. When I think I don’t matter, I look at these little ones and I know that I am leaving my mark. No doubt, I was here.