Happiness is a choice!

Forever Shopping Girls


By Carol Sevy

For my long time friend: Maresa Jolley Broers

2016-01-14 13.53.43

We have been shopping together for the last 40 years.

Before we could drive, our parents took us, never giving us enough time.

Shopping all day began with the new drivers’ licenses in hand.

We were the Bo Jangles models for the school newspaper: 

fashion statement of the ‘80s.

Through the years, maternity clothes, baby clothes, teens

were all on the list.

Now, it is grandchildren. 2016-01-17 13.48.18

But we will shop until we drop.

And you, my friend, have the strength for the both of us.

2016-01-17 10.22.37Me in my second-hand office chair

Rolling down the aisles at the DI thrift shop.

You trying on tops and sweaters,

skirts and pants for the both of us.

Our cart is full, the style our own.

We are laughing and giggling,

My feet propped on the cart

overflowing with possibilities.

The lights start turning off.2016-01-14 13.52.16

“Ten minutes until closing.”

We’re the last two out of the store,

our treasures in hand.

Success yet again–

January 20, 2016

Huntsman Cancer Hospital

Salt Lake City, UT

Maresa stayed with me at Hopes Lodge for a week while I was having treatment at Huntsmans Cancer Hospital. We were like the  saying

 1 girl is a girl

2 girls is 1/2 a girl

3 girls…send them home

Yup, that is what we were, she was my caregiver and I did everything to distract her from doing her job!2016-01-14 13.50.48 Oh what fun! She got me hooked on “Downton Abby” and she let me sleep until noon. I got a talking from my radiology team for being late or forgetting my time,  but they all forgave me. What else could they do? Nurse RuthLee said I wasn’t getting out of it!

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