I haven’t felt well enough to write. I told Jim I felt like a,”sick puppy”
The first recollection of getting a shot was when my dad had hepatitis and I had to get a hepatitis shot. I was quiet and still and then I was in convulsions. Passing out was a common occurrence when it came to needles.
When I first started this process I was in a room with others getting their blood work done. My face went white and I told the nurse I was going down. The sweet man across from me said, “You will get use this.” After this week, I can honestly say, I am getting use to this. But I am not always happy about it.
This has been a humbling week. I was telling myself and everyone else that I was the star cancer patient. I didn’t even imagine that a stomach ache, and a fever was a big deal. After 2 days of not really feeling well, I started feeling really ill. I called the doctor and I was right in the hospital and scary things were happening.
I just felt ikky and I couldn’t stop crying. I asked for my dad to come to the hospital. He came asap and Jim and my dad gave me a priesthood blessing. As all the medicine went into my arm, I was able to rest and get comfortable. The blood count looked good and they asked my what I wanted to do. I said, “go home and sleep” I had a great sleep that night and could feel my sweetheart holding me tight all night.
The next day was my 1st pajama, no makeup day since I started this cancer experience and staying in bed all day, watching my fever. If my fever got over 100.4 I had instructions to start an antibiotic and head to the hospital.
I have been showered with gifts, love, meals, house cleaning, prayers errands and more. This week it has been such a blessing to all who are cheering me on. I am not use to having a week body. My mind is strong, but my body is week.
My ward (church) family made me a quilt, it is even hand stitched and hand tied. Purple reminds me of spiritual things. It reminds me of the people who love me and are behind me.
After a day of resting and thinking that I was on top of things, my fever shot up and I got a UTI. So off to “Ready Care” and it hit hard and fast. I was just fine getting a shot in the butt no big deal… and wearing a mask is a new fashion that I have added.
I was very surprised and pleased to have my doctor from Utah call me at 10:30 pm on Halloween. He was worried about me and wanted me to head to the emergency room in the morning. For more tests and such. So back we were after a good nights sleep.
With it being Sunday, I decided to dress up like I was going to church, and had to wear my cowboy boots to give me a extra kick! My body is full of antibiotics and I am sleeping. My temperature is still low grade. I am doing all I can and God willing I will have no shots this week. I need to get some health back so I can have my last treatment in
10 days.
God bless you honey, because the difficult days are long. Think of the funny days that give you energy and know all this will be behind you very soon. Xoxo
Praying for your body to do what it is suppose to do, find and kill those cancer cells. Be gentle with yourself. Rest, Rest, Rest. Our Heavenly Father hears yours, and many others, prayers that are being offered on your behalf. YOU CAN DO THIS GIRL!!
Thank you Dianna, we have been friends since kindergarten and you are still there for me. I will take your advice and rest and lean on our Heavenly Father. and count my blessings. Friends like you will get me through this.
Yes I love the fun days and funny things and you are a bright star!
You are such an example to so many! You’ve got this! Praying for a quick recovery!
Thank you Lisa.
I’m so sorry you are going through all this.You are a very kind and lovable person.My prayers are with you.
Thank you Mae, I am so blessed to have you pray for me and cheer me on. Thank you and God bless you.
Your spirit and resolve are something to behold, dear Carol. You are amazing. 💕💖 I think about you every day, asking spirit for speedy healing and recovery. Then I think of your wonderful love, Jim, and all the kids, who are there rooting for you and cheering you on. Keeping your laughter and smiles topped up…you know they say it’s the best medicine 😉 I love you my friend.
Thank you Linda. It is always good to hear from you. I am so glad that we can build each other from a distance. Your words lift me. I love you my sweet friend.